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Factions Strife Turn Tracking III

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  • #91
    Keygen, like Tau I am sorry to see your disappointment. But I think your comments a little unfair. Tau could not have known where you were, so he did not seek you out deliberately!

    I don't know the details, but if Colonel Tau has managed to locate you and launch a serious attack so early in the game then he is to be congratulated. I have played this game with Tau many times - he is a builder at heart and would never choose the Spartans left to his own devices. And yet, in this game, he has embraced a new style of play and launched what can only be described as an exemplary attack early in the game - he should be congratulated, not upbraided

    We builders always take chances. We hate to spend on military - it's always just one more node/bank/hospital/whatever before we even think of a humble attack rover ... As Tau has said, it is a gamble, and one I have taken many times. It's always annoying when it doesn't pay off, but you know, this isn't Civ. If Tau does not strike now, he will have no chance later. Because in SMAC/X all factions are *not* equal. Which is why we all play the game, isn't it?

    2150 to Big_Canuck and my score is an enviable 80
    Team 'Poly


    • #92
      2150 to Rynn:


      Score 117
      Team 'Poly


      • #93
        2151 to Solver

        Score: 31

        :: pouts :: - all those fundy fanatics with their offensive bonus and morale boosts and no-one to attack



        • #94
          well, here we go again (is it any wonder I've posted for 2 replacement players in the games i am in with Solver?)


          the Daemon-mailer message this time is:


          The original message was received at Wed, 19 Sep 2001 18:18:35 -0400
          from []

          ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
          < >
          (reason: 553 5.3.5 system config error)

          ----- Transcript of session follows -----
          553 5.3.5 config error: mail loops back to me (MX problem?)
          554 5.3.5 Local configuration error

          Final-Recipient: RFC822;
          Action: failed
          Status: 5.3.5
          Diagnostic-Code: SMTP; 553 5.3.5 system config error
          Last-Attempt-Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2001 18:18:35 -0400


          I don't know what te above means but I am mightily fed up with chasing you all over hell's half acre just to ensure that a gameturn reaches you.

          It is attached hereto, but i am sure that in six months the whole 'Poly forum will crash with the weight of Solver gameturns appended to messages.

          Attached Files


          • #95

            My congratulations to Tau. Not only did he pull off a great rover rush, but he had the forsight, or the luck to do it to someone who would roll over instead of fight, thereby giving Tau all his techs, and all his preterraformed bases. Now that I know he will roll over so easily, I will make a point of targeting him in future games. (or suggesting such a strategy for others).

            Note to Keygen:

            Keygen, you reputation travels from game to game in Smac. You do not want to be known as an easy target. If someone catches you off guard, there is lots you can do, rather than abandoning the ship as you did.

            1. Fight a loosing cause, and at least do a bit of damage.
            2. Threaten to burn all your bases. At least the aggressor gets no bases or tech.
            3. Bribe the aggressor into stopping.
            (often a combination of 2 and 3 works well. Suddenly the bribe of a few techs, and some ecs looks good versus no tech and some hard battles for very few bases)
            4. Since you are the UoP, you would even have the option of sending a Sea Colony Pod accross the globe and becoming the research puppet of another faction, perhaps one that would compliment your research expertise, with economic expertise. Who knows, there would still be a slim chance to win in the end.

            Team 'Poly


            • #96
              You certainly couldn't be accused of ever giving up, could you Big_C?

              Very good. And also the advice ... I would do every single thing you have mentioned. It is not so pleasant to be the research puppet of another faction ... but revenge is sweet
              Team 'Poly


              • #97
                Tum te tum ... nice to see the reformed Solver putting in an appearance
                Team 'Poly


                • #98
                  Indeed - he's clearly busy doing an update to the ratings.

                  Or....not, as the case may be

                  Solver, this is not good enough! Please play the turn and send it along!
                  We're back!


                  • #99
                    I've mailed the crew asking for a replacement. This has gone on long enough.
                    We're back!


                    • Hmm - I see he hasn't even dowloaded the turn attached to my Sept 19th post.

                      Note to all: Ignore my e-mail reply - let's get a replacement NOW!



                      • Well, no he hasn't - which is why I suggest we get a replacement. It gets rather annoying having to wait a week for the turn to come round - and this isn't the only game Solver's holding up.

                        Sorry Solver, but this is getting ridiculous.
                        We're back!


                        • But.. But..

                          Ok, I agree, let's replace him.

                          Team 'Poly


                          • Suggestion:

                            Why not have Keygen take Solver's place, and next (Keygen) turn gift his bases to Solver (Keygen) - that way Tau still gets a good war going, but this time with a formidable foe (the joint Keygen/Solver forces)

                            Would just need 'Red to furnish Keygen with Solver's password, and he can download the 2151 turn from the thread.

                            (Amd as an aside, I remember in the orignal thread about the ladder, there were penalty points for tardiness - I hope Solver is ruthless on himself when calculating. By my reckoning, he now has a -50% penalty accrued)



                            • I disagree with Googlie.

                              Keygen chose to give up, and should therefore remain eliminated. I don't want a (potential) pactmate doing the same. I think it would be more worthwhile to advertise for a permament, reliable replacement. I could do so, but it would be more proper, I think, if someone neutral did it, like 'Red.
                              Team 'Poly


                              • I have not played with any of you so I would be a neutral sub. I wont complain about coming into a losing battle and will go down fighting. However is that fair to Tau? If he doesnt mind than I would be happy to put up a fight and I'm not one to give in to diplomacy. If I was stuck playing the Spartans and was lucky enough to find the University lacking a defensive force, I would have done the same thing. I would aslo like to give Keygen a chance to continue or quit but I'm willing to sub if you do here from him/her.


