Turn administration thread for Talent on Commlink game. Post here now.
Settings are:
All victory types enabled, incl. cooperative.
Directed research, no tech. stagnation.
Pod scattering ON.
Random events OFF.
Unity Survey OFF.
Do or Die ON.
Spoils of War OFF.
Otherwise, Standard rules.
Difficulty: Thinker.
Map Size: Standard.
Erosion, alien lifeforms, oceans, rainfall: all Average.
Standard starting units.
Don't set passwords - let the players do it (no moderator here).
Players are (in order):
1. Provost Solver of the University (solver@apolyton.net)
2. Lady SITS of the Gaians (Tony@tlafave.demon.co.uk)
3. Brother ColDark of the Peacekeepers (Colin.Darra@vistorm.com)
4. CEO Deimos of the Morganites (Deimos@civgaming.net)
5. Prime Function Qantaga of the Cyborgs (Qantaga@aol.com)
The previous thread is http://apolyton.net/forums/showthrea...&postid=329126>here.
See you on Chiron and good luck to all!
Settings are:
All victory types enabled, incl. cooperative.
Directed research, no tech. stagnation.
Pod scattering ON.
Random events OFF.
Unity Survey OFF.
Do or Die ON.
Spoils of War OFF.
Otherwise, Standard rules.
Difficulty: Thinker.
Map Size: Standard.
Erosion, alien lifeforms, oceans, rainfall: all Average.
Standard starting units.
Don't set passwords - let the players do it (no moderator here).
Players are (in order):
1. Provost Solver of the University (solver@apolyton.net)
2. Lady SITS of the Gaians (Tony@tlafave.demon.co.uk)
3. Brother ColDark of the Peacekeepers (Colin.Darra@vistorm.com)
4. CEO Deimos of the Morganites (Deimos@civgaming.net)
5. Prime Function Qantaga of the Cyborgs (Qantaga@aol.com)
The previous thread is http://apolyton.net/forums/showthrea...&postid=329126>here.
See you on Chiron and good luck to all!