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Anyone want to start a rated SMAC game?

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  • #16
    Ah well. Man, learn to spell .
    Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
    Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
    I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


    • #17
      i just read above and the yang player doesn't mind playing morg. or sparts.. so i would MUCH prefer to play yang as they r my fav. faction ..... if this is ok thanks


      • #18
        sorry to keep posting but i forgot to mention that my email.. is not the one in my profile.. its


        • #19
          games considerations

          The Believers is fine with me.
          My email addresses are

          please post to both as my mail boxes are sometimes full

          Solver: The idea of one player controlling two factions strikes me as imbalanced. I suggest that if the player will not self destruct or continue on in obediant servitude or has abandoned the game that the moderator take control of the faction for the sole purpose of self destruction in the minimum time neccessary.



          • #20
            cpt.slick, I will be happy to take the Spartans, so you can play the Hive.

            As far as a player bowing out of the game, it is possible for that player to retire. In some other games I have been involved with, the AI has eliminated a human faction. When that occurs, the game ends. The way we got around it is that the eradicated human would reload their last turn and choose "retire" from the game menu. After that, the rest of us could continue. For example, I am playing in a 3-player game that used to be a 4-player game before one human retired and it has been going quite successfully for some time now.

            So, a player who needs to quit this game can hopefully: 1. find a replacement player or 2. retire, if a replacement is not available, if it is not possible for them play out the game.


            • #21
              Yeah, I'm willing to play as the Morganites, even though I'm not as good with them. And, my email is in case you didn't catch it.


              • #22
                Could anyone make another list of players with their factions, then?
                Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
                Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
                I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


                • #23
                  Okay, as I see it:

                  1. Levelisk - Morgan Industries
                  2. theohall - Gaia's Stepdaughters
                  3. Viriato - Peacekeeping Forces
                  4. Solver - University of Planet
                  5. dinoarms - Lord's Believers
                  6. Qantaga - Spartan Federation
                  7. cpt. slick - Human Hive

                  Please let me know if I have mis-represented anyone's wishes.
                  Last edited by Qantaga; June 5, 2001, 21:42.


                  • #24
                    Thank you. Anything else needed to start? I've posted the rules already, as I see them. Oh, we need a name for this game.
                    Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
                    Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
                    I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


                    • #25
                      How about:

                      7 Man Free For All


                      No AI #1


                      • #26

                        A game with 7 players will take a long time no matter what map we use because will be lucky if we'll play a turn per week.
                        I'm playing in 2 7-players games and sometimes it takes 2 weeks to receive another turn.
                        Even if we have a CMN to replace those who take to long I don't believe we'll get a better average.
                        Besides if we play a 7 player game in a small map without co-operative victory there will be some of us who will be eliminated in the first turns. For example I wouldn't want to be playing Morgan in this settings.
                        Even a standard map is, IMO, too crowded for 7 players.

                        solver & Qantaga,
                        For the record, it is possible to give control of our faction to the AI. Tau Ceti has done it in ACT019 when the UoP player quitted.
                        Also it it possible for the player who drops out to destroy all of his bases. This solution is often used when a player is about to be eradicated to avoid the game from ending.
                        I have never seen the option retire been used and I'm curious to know what happens. Do the bases disapear or get controled by the AI?


                        I agree with the settings although I would prefer a large map.
                        BTW, who shall set up the map? Or are we using a known map?

                        As for the rules I propose we use the tournament standard rules for random map games

                        My email is and I'm in GMT 0.


                        • #27
                          I am in agreement with Viriato. I would also like to see this as a Large map.

                          Viriato, to answer your question, I believe that when a player retires, the AI takes over. The reason I think that is because the scenario in that game went like this:

                          I was playing a turn as Roze. When my turn ended, I got a message that the Nautilus Pirates (a human player) had been eradicated. Then, the game ended. To keep the game going, the human player reloaded his turn and retired. When the turn came back to me, the Pirates (this time controlled by the AI) contacted me by commlink. They were still eradicated after I ended my turn but, because of that contact, I would suspect that the AI takes over a retired faction.


                          • #28
                            Hmm. "No AI #1" has a nice ring to it, not to mention it implies more 7-player games


                            • #29
                              Viriato - wrong. Faction Strife (7-player), and I play a turn each 2-3 days there. I'd like Standard map, otherwise it will take ages for us to meet.
                              Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
                              Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
                              I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


                              • #30
                                map settings

                                I prefer Standard

                                The argument that there is not enough room must be a relative thing as the the "Planet" map is standard size and designed for 7 players.

                                I believe that each player will start with a number of Colony Pods and will also receive 7 techs (equivilant to all the starting techs of all players) If this is true than there will be no chance of getting wiped out early, (unless of course you have quite a few things to learn about the game). True early in the game there will be border conflicts but at least with a Standard Map that will happen to all of us and not the unlucky few. Even the most unfortunate player should have at least a few months of playing out of a standard at a rate of 2 turns per week. A large map would take at least a year to finish. Go Standard I say!

                                Other preferences that I am not so adament about are
                                Abundant Aliens
                                random map
                                30-50% water coverage
                                low erosion
                                dense cloud cover

                                no unity survey ( world map not visible )
                                look first no established start locations

