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Turns of AXT029 game, fourth thread

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  • #31
    Just managed to squeeze a final turn of AXT029 goodness out of the computer before I leave.

    Turn going to Googlie.
    "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


    • #32
      2197 to Misotu

      I see battle has been joined



      • #33
        Yes ... with slightly unfavourable results for our side. Temporary setback

        2197 off to RedFred.
        Team 'Poly


        • #34
          2198 to Alinestra.

          So Googlie's tech steal faction bonus wasn't activated by Tau?

          Think we can sweet talk Mis and Allie into a restart?

          Just kidding. Sadly, I know that techsteal unenabled will have no bearing on the outcome of the game. Is that choppers I hear?


          • #35
            Choppers? Er... no! That was our, um, deer tick inspection unit airborne vector! We are proud to be the foremost Chaos deertick exterminators and corn crop dusting elite force in the world, and would be more than happy to send them to give your bases and surrounding terrain a decent dusting off! We charge according to the intensity and complexity of deertick overrun, including minor factors like mere light covering fire to full on carpet bombing with nerve gas suppression deployment!

            Update: The Gaians have overrun a Hiverian base, Laborers' Throng, precipitating a retaliatory strike by Hiverian cho - er, deertick inspection airborne units. The Hiverian delegation have issued the following statement: "How dare they slaughter innocent Hiverians! That's our job."
            "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


            • #36
              Just another update to confirm that Alinestra Covelia now has a 2:1 degree in English Literature from Durham University after three years of work (of a fashion).

              Time to break out the cocktails!
              "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


              • #37
                Many congrats Allie!

                Send one of those cocktails this way, will you? Anything'll do, I'm not fussy, as long as it's tasty and full of alcohol
                Team 'Poly


                • #38
                  Glass of "Tears of Chiron" ( fungal gin) raised in congratulatory toast, AC

                  (and 2198 to Misotu)



                  • #39
                    2198 is off to RedFred.
                    Team 'Poly


                    • #40
                      Congrats Allie! Is a 2:1 degree twice as good as a regular one?

                      2199 is finally off to you.


                      • #41
                        2199 off to Misotu


                        • #42
                          2199 to RedFred.
                          Team 'Poly


                          • #43
                            A century on Chiron. 2200 to Alinestra.


                            • #44
                              The Hiverian military attaché, Lt. Colonel Alinestra Covelia, had this to say of the recent conflict with the Gaians:

                              "We mark a milestone in the history of humanity on Chiron. One hundred years ago to this day, we landed fresh and unsullied in the Unity pods. Over that period of time, we have become experienced... but with experience comes corruption and temptation.

                              "Citizens of Chiron, we take these military steps towards a unified Planet, so that the human race may better face the future as one. Before we may realize this goal - one common to our own faction, to each and every faction on this world - it is imperative that the race be cleansed of all undesirable parasites.

                              "The foremost threat to human existence today is no longer the microbe, or the predator, or even the criminal minds of other men. Today, the greatest parasitical threat to our well being is the scrofula hepidoptera or the common deertick. Left unchecked, the deertick would consume each and every last corncob on the face of the Planet."

                              Here the Military Attaché paused to wipe the foam from her lips, then shuffled her papers and continued.

                              "We have made it our duty and sworn honor oath to remove every last clinging deertick from the world before we pass on. Our preliminary research indicates that the greatest concentration of deertick infestation is on the Western continent. We will gas and carpet bomb the deerticks until not a single one is left."

                              The Attaché was greeted by cheers and widespread acclaim before she concluded with an addendum.

                              "The Gaian bases will be returned to their rightful owners once the deertick infestation has been quelled. Until then we'd appreciate full and unreserved cooperation. Deerticks are dangerous."

                              Advertisement: Kids! Say "NO" to clowns.
                              "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


                              • #45
                                We'd like to take this opportunity to remind our Hiverian chums that there are no deerticks anywhere in our territory.

                                As planetary governor, we feel that we must register a protest against our ecologically-inclined neighbours, who are currently constructing what appear to be nerve gas jets. In numbers. This is not at all what we'd expect from the guardians of Planet and sanctions will apply in the event that these horrific weapons are deployed.

                                2200 is off to the Prophet.
                                Team 'Poly

