Hey ced you beat me to the turn posting-- 2182
As ced has already seen I have a reload message. It actually happened when I hit "save and exit"-- Roze moves after me and while her units were moving ( I always see her moves if the units are in my units view)I got a terranx crash. This was doubly frustrating since I had captured one of her bases on the turn.
So I went back and replayed the turn doing everything the same. I did capture the base again-- (but took heavier damage)-- has anyone else experiences the teranx crash while attempting to save and exit? I would have been real ticked if my attack had failed on the replay LOL.
Now into character
Open message to all faction leaders
People, I ask you to recall our common Earth history. It is known that webs of alliances has led many nations to be drawn into conflict in a war that enveloped all of Earth. I speak of World War I. The Hive urges caution so that this world does not become enveloped in such a conflict due to the actions of the Cult.
I do not know the nature of the Sparta-Cult alliance but out of respect for our alliance with the Spartans we pledge not to exterminate the Cult. We hope that this is sufficient as we will not forego our RIGHT to destroy any Cult troops that enter our territory or to attack the bases from which they come .
As for the Cyborgs, I agree that the first message seems benign as you proclaim an intent to defend yourself. We applaud your decision to protect your territory and citizenry. However there is other behavior of the Cyborgs that we find troubling and wish to make known to the world. The cyborgs without any discussion, established a series of bases designed to reduce the size of Hive territory and then made further claims to even greater lands. They have been persuaded to desist from these claims, as rationality and diplomacy ruled the day, BUT all factions should be aware of their expansionist leanings. They have border pushed the Hive even while they have LARGE tracts of vacant land in their undisputed homeland.
To Captain Hobbes I send best wishes and the offer of assistence. We have also suffered the indignity of an unprovoked Cult attack. Medical aid and food will be sent to the war zone to assist your refugees.
6 O'clock news
In Hive news today the military adjunct announced the annexation of a key Angel base. The base will be renamed "Triumph" in a ceremony to be held early in 2183. Upon this capture the Angels immediately offered a truce and substantial reparations. While these were accepted, the military forces remain on full alert as further Angel troops have been detected in the area. Roze refused to answer diplomatic overtures designed to request the withdrawal of these forces and tension remains high in the region.
Some grocery and hardware stores in Hole of Inspiration today sold out of most staples as panicked citizens reacted to rumours of a war with the Spartans. Citizens are anxious over recent exchanges between world leaders and this was incited into panic when a Channel 10 webcast announced that hostilities had broken out. Authorities and Channel 10 deny the report and have tracked the source to a highjacked feed. Police have apprehended a 14 yr old youth who is quoted as saying "he did it on a dare". External affairs officials deny that there have been any hostilities with the Spartans but training exercises near the DMZ have been cancelled in what is viewed as a move to prevent escallation. At last report diplomats for all nations were meeting to try to resove the "Cult question". This is Gotit Rite for Channel 8 news.
As ced has already seen I have a reload message. It actually happened when I hit "save and exit"-- Roze moves after me and while her units were moving ( I always see her moves if the units are in my units view)I got a terranx crash. This was doubly frustrating since I had captured one of her bases on the turn.
So I went back and replayed the turn doing everything the same. I did capture the base again-- (but took heavier damage)-- has anyone else experiences the teranx crash while attempting to save and exit? I would have been real ticked if my attack had failed on the replay LOL.
Now into character
Open message to all faction leaders
People, I ask you to recall our common Earth history. It is known that webs of alliances has led many nations to be drawn into conflict in a war that enveloped all of Earth. I speak of World War I. The Hive urges caution so that this world does not become enveloped in such a conflict due to the actions of the Cult.
I do not know the nature of the Sparta-Cult alliance but out of respect for our alliance with the Spartans we pledge not to exterminate the Cult. We hope that this is sufficient as we will not forego our RIGHT to destroy any Cult troops that enter our territory or to attack the bases from which they come .
As for the Cyborgs, I agree that the first message seems benign as you proclaim an intent to defend yourself. We applaud your decision to protect your territory and citizenry. However there is other behavior of the Cyborgs that we find troubling and wish to make known to the world. The cyborgs without any discussion, established a series of bases designed to reduce the size of Hive territory and then made further claims to even greater lands. They have been persuaded to desist from these claims, as rationality and diplomacy ruled the day, BUT all factions should be aware of their expansionist leanings. They have border pushed the Hive even while they have LARGE tracts of vacant land in their undisputed homeland.
To Captain Hobbes I send best wishes and the offer of assistence. We have also suffered the indignity of an unprovoked Cult attack. Medical aid and food will be sent to the war zone to assist your refugees.
6 O'clock news
In Hive news today the military adjunct announced the annexation of a key Angel base. The base will be renamed "Triumph" in a ceremony to be held early in 2183. Upon this capture the Angels immediately offered a truce and substantial reparations. While these were accepted, the military forces remain on full alert as further Angel troops have been detected in the area. Roze refused to answer diplomatic overtures designed to request the withdrawal of these forces and tension remains high in the region.
Some grocery and hardware stores in Hole of Inspiration today sold out of most staples as panicked citizens reacted to rumours of a war with the Spartans. Citizens are anxious over recent exchanges between world leaders and this was incited into panic when a Channel 10 webcast announced that hostilities had broken out. Authorities and Channel 10 deny the report and have tracked the source to a highjacked feed. Police have apprehended a 14 yr old youth who is quoted as saying "he did it on a dare". External affairs officials deny that there have been any hostilities with the Spartans but training exercises near the DMZ have been cancelled in what is viewed as a move to prevent escallation. At last report diplomats for all nations were meeting to try to resove the "Cult question". This is Gotit Rite for Channel 8 news.