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PBEM Tournament signup thread

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  • There certainly are enough players - the 5 new games started tonight should be enough to get everyone into at least one.

    As for system requirements, if you can run SP, you can run MP. Settings apply to the game file itself rather than individual players, so if someone has a slow system, the ones with faster systems will have to accept animations off and other things needed to speed the game up.


    • I've pretty much got enough time to take up a second game. Details have changed:

      Smac or Smacx, preferably Smacx (already got a smac game)
      Max difficulty: Transcend (beaten it once, heh, in at deep end)
      Won't play Miriam, Yang, Cult, Aliens (but then, I'm not allowed)
      Large maps are good for me, random for preference.

      Please note that there may be a months gap in about a fortnight - depends on whether I can get a modem.
      The church is the only organisation that exists for the benefit of its non-members
      Buy your very own 4-dimensional, non-orientable, 1-sided, zero-edged, zero-volume, genus 1 manifold immersed in 3-space!
      All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does. That's his.
      "They offer us some, but we have no place to store a mullet." - Chegitz Guevara


      • quote:

        Originally posted by Chowlett on 03-05-2001 08:20 PM
        Please note that there may be a months gap in about a fortnight - depends on whether I can get a modem.

        That is not good. I think I will wait until that situation is resolved before setting you up. Month-long delays in recently started games tend to be very unpopular...


        • Hi Tau Ceti!

          I would like to sign up to give multiplayer a try.

          My email:

          I would like to start with two games, one on map of planet, one on random map (The bigger the better).

          SMACX only, because I have my SMAC CD given to a friend for some time.

          Transcendent level preferred

          Would like to play the Cult of Planet in one game, and Pirates, Drones or Hive in the other, but if non of them is availiable, I would try every faction except Morganites and University.

          Oh, because I am a MP newbie, I would like to know if I can find a MP FAQ or a "gentleman's agreement" about the Do and Do Not's of the dubious things (upgrading crawlers, pod booming etc.)

          Thanks in advance

          "Men! What should go wrong?"
          General Custer, before the battle at Little Big Horn.


          • quote:

            Originally posted by Tau Ceti on 03-05-2001 08:43 PM
            That is not good. I think I will wait until that situation is resolved before setting you up. Month-long delays in recently started games tend to be very unpopular...

            Fair enough. I'll let you know what happens. In any case, I should get a straight 8-9 week run following that, as I'll be on a network again. Come to think of it, the month-long gap probably won't happen, as I'll just pull the games off on my parents' computer and put them on floppy. Hm.

            Ok then, change that to "there may be a month long period in about a fortnights time, when my rate of play will decrease due to tranfer times."

            The church is the only organisation that exists for the benefit of its non-members
            Buy your very own 4-dimensional, non-orientable, 1-sided, zero-edged, zero-volume, genus 1 manifold immersed in 3-space!
            All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does. That's his.
            "They offer us some, but we have no place to store a mullet." - Chegitz Guevara


            • I've had both SMAC & SMACX since they were first released, and I've never done a MP game... time to give it a shot.


              SMAC or SMACX, doesn't matter

              # of games--I probably couldn't handle more than three at once, if that many

              Map pref--random would be best, but I'm not picky

              Faction pref--Again, I'm not picky. I can't promise to put up much of a fight with certain factions, however. If I do get UoP, the extra tech can be random. I always play a random faction, so you can draw a card or flip a coin or whatever.

              Difficulty pref--Transcendi is fine with me.

              I'm also wondering about a FAQ or a "gentleman's agreement" as Skanderberg called it. I've read the PBEM Tournament Rules, but is this a comprehensive list of MP etiquette? Thanks a ton.

              "My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
              "The subject of onanism is inexhaustable." --Sigmund Freud


              • Here goes nothing.


                Preferably SMACX

                # of Games: No more than 2

                Faction: Anything but Believers, preferably Gaians

                Map: Random or Map of Planet

                Difficulty: Librarian

                -Rale Hawkeye
                "If Lincoln were alive today, he'd probably want to get out of his tomb"
                "He siezed power in a bloodless coup -- all smotherings."


                • I am in for up to four more games.

                  There is no hurry so just fill me in whenever there is a missing player for a complete game. Will take whatever settings, map and faction.


                  • well, whatever. i've never played against a human player before.

                    here goes.


                    game: SMAX

                    # of games: up to 5 games.

                    map pref: any map, preferably with water, since i prefer pirates

                    faction pref: pirates, morgan, spartan, cyborg, peacekeepers, gaia, UoP, caretaker (in that order, but i'll try others, though i'm not sure i'll like it)

                    difficulty: trancendi is fine.

                    by the way, what are the general netiquette of the mp games?

                    Edit: changed email and # of games

                    [This message has been edited by It'sLikeThat (edited March 16, 2001).]


                    • Hi Tau, I'd like to get into two more AXT games, transcend, random map, Gai, Peacekeepers, or Morgan. Thanks.


                      • I've been scanning the other SMAC multiplayer site for a year, and it never gets updated at all.

                        Please sign me up for 2 games
                        Any difficulty
                        Any map
                        I prefer Peacekeepers, Morgon, University, Hive

                        I'm at


                        • email:

                          SMAC only

                          # of games--two to start

                          Map pref--random greatly preferred

                          Faction pref--UoP (free tech would be Biogenetics, but if Lal is in then Centauri Ecology, and if Deirdre is also in then Industrial Base), Hive, Gaians, Morgan - but I'll play as anyone except Miriam.

                          Difficulty pref--Transcend preferred. I never play any other level in SP. But I'll play a lower level if the energy bug bothers people.
                          [This message has been edited by Aginor (edited March 14, 2001).]


                          • quote:

                            Originally posted by Q_tip1976 on 02-18-2001 11:32 PM
                            My Information

                            -I play SMAC or SMAX but prefer SMAX
                            -Prefer to play on Random Maps but Map of Planet is good too.
                            -Faction Preferences: Don't like the Hive, Morgan, or Cult of Planet. Will play anybody else.
                            -Highest Difficulty: Trancend
                            -Would only like to play in one game at a time.


                            Tau Ceti,

                            I would like to take on another game.
                            If I get the University I would like to take Centauri Ecology as my bonus tech.

                            Thanx again.


                            • Hey Tau Ceti,

                              I'm playing one PBEM game as this moment (about 20 turns or so) and I am interested in starting(?)joining another PBEM game or two.

                              My registered email is but I play my games on so I would prefer to continue playing my PBEM games on that email.

                              Any maps are okey and Transcend would be great.

                              But since I am already playing the cult in a PBEM game I would rather not play that faction in any other PBEM games.

                              thank you


                              [This message has been edited by knowhow2 (edited March 15, 2001).]
                              It's close to midnight and something evil's is lurking in the dark.


                              • Planet asked me to register in a tournament..

                                Game: I play both.
                                Map: Random or map of Planet.
                                Faction pref: None.
                                Difficulty: Any.
                                Concurrent: One game.

                                I thank you, the drones thank you, Planet thanks you.


