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Keygen's Alien Crossfire Turns, second thread

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  • Preparations for war with the Squids are well underway. We plan to build a few bases close by to provide support for our troops and landing strips for our airforce. One naval battle was fought and won as well.

    Turn sent


    • Onwards.
      If you want to kiss the sky/Better learn how to kneel/On your knees boy - U2, Mysterious Ways


      • Help Wanted

        Our terriforming corps, already the envy of Planet, is primed to increase by almost 50% in the next 5 years. Recruitment is underway. Apply now! "We can change this world!"

        Experienced Rush Builder with at least Masters Degree needed for immediate work. Contact any local Governor.

        Scouts needed for safe garrison duty in growing border cities. Help attractive colonist daughters give birth to the future of our world!

        Foresters needed for new lumber projects. Contact Governor at Tusk and Claw immediately for assignment.


        • MY 2234 to Captain Reggy.


          • We are building a few land and sea bases near the alien land mass and continue to move our military asset into position. It will still be a number of years before any serious offensive can start.

            The aliens have kicked their military production into overdrive. At their current rate, they will exceed my army! I have tapped into their datalinks, which should prove useful in any war.


            • Onwards once more.
              If you want to kiss the sky/Better learn how to kneel/On your knees boy - U2, Mysterious Ways



              • Renegades spotted in the interior. Nearby troops mobilized. Destruction of the mindworm infestastion expected shortly. The sooner we are rid of these damned fungus patches, the better.

                Standard broadcast sent.


                • "Progenitors are building military units in all of their bases, mostly rovers. Their annihilation will be a difficult effort and we will need the aid of all four human factions.

                  Prime Finction Hobbes, this is an invitation to join the war against the squids and gain some territorial profits.

                  The University will join the war as well but we need some time for preparations."

                  Provost Keygen

                  MY 2235 to Reggy.


                  • I agree Keygen, we all will need time to prepare. This will be a far more difficult war. In the meantime, I will use my navy to patrol around their continent to protect all our allies from possible invasion.


                    • War preparation continue. Operation "Protective Shield" well underway. Thanks to those allies that have allowed our planes to use their landing strips. This helps us contain the aliens!

                      turn to Hobbes


                      • Overtone Song has joined the Hobbit empire.

                        If you want to kiss the sky/Better learn how to kneel/On your knees boy - U2, Mysterious Ways



                        • We have destroyed the last "fungal tower" blighting our fair land, and the last unit from operation "Morganic Containment" shall be returning home within another two years.

                          On the economic front, experiments with tectonics have resulted in controlled earthquakes, granting one of our key cities more agricultural land and protection from the seas.

                          We are of the belief that our advantages over the Squids grow more numerous the longer we wait, and encourage our brothers to concentrate on ruling the waves, containing the alien menace for now while we prepare. No need to waste your forces in a direct attack, unless you see some clear-cut weakness. Congratulations are in order to the Hobbits, however. Good show!

                          Move sent on to the Provost.


                          • Again no significant military actions planned until supply bases can be built closer to the Alien land mass. We hope to have a full naval blocade in place soon.

                            Congrats to the Hobbits, but a word of caution. You are surround by 3 very close alien bases. I have shelled one of the bases to keep their units in, as they do not tend to send out damaged units to attack. I have also sent one of my planes to assist you in attacking any alien units that venture with in range. I have a sea colony heading for the alien's north coast to act as an air base.

                            Turn sent


                            • Sank a squid foil & a wandering 3-res Garrison. Planning on taking out the northern base next, then the close one to the south.
                              Turned to BS.
                              If you want to kiss the sky/Better learn how to kneel/On your knees boy - U2, Mysterious Ways



                              • Enough waiting!
                                Ecological safeguards dismantled. Government overseers put in place! We will have growth, and we will have it NOW!

                                Our peoples eagerly await the results of our shift in goals.

