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Building a Players List

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  • Building a Players List

    The Folloing was origionally taken from an E-mail which was sent out to those on my ICQ list and otherwise. Please Reply to me at Or add me to your ICQ, #110314634, if you are interested. (cut and paste the survey into an email and send it if your hardcore)

    Hello one and all. You are receiving this for one of many reasons. Most of you I have played SMAC or SMACX with already. A few of you have accepted my request on ICQ to add you to my list. Still yet, a few I have received information from though a mutual player. Some of you I found listed on a website. THIS is a survey for playing Alpha Centauri and Alpha Centauri Alien Crossfire. It is an attempt to create a group of players in order to find a game whenever the time arises.

    Please fill out the following survey to help me in setting up the game. I know some of you already gave me this information but the form will make it simple for me to organize it. I tried to make it easy to answer and keep track of. I hope I succeeded

    ICQ Name:
    Name or Nickname for publication:
    Real Name(Will not be published):
    E-mail Address for publication:

    Number of multiplayer games played so far:
    Your experience level: Novice Mediocre Experienced Expert Master
    Maximum level completed in Single Player:
    Citizen Specialist Talent Librarian Thinker Transcend Thinker+Ironman Transcend+Ironman
    What was your Highest Alpha Centauri Score:

    Time Zone:
    Time Zone in GMT format: GMT
    Time Most Likely will be playing or available(in your time zone):
    Connection Speed:
    MSN Messenger ID:
    Yahoo Pager ID:
    AOL Messenger:
    Any other Messenger Services?:
    Any other Pertinent Information:

    Are you interested in playing Alpha Centauri: Yes No
    Are you interested in playing Alien Crossfire: Yes No
    Are you interested in playing PBEM: Yes No
    How many people would you want to limit the PBEM game to?:
    Are you interested in playing TCP/IP: Yes No
    How many people would you want to limit the TCP/IP game to?:

    What are your preferences:
    Please Cut and Paste (Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V) into a position below

    Believers Gaians Hive Morganites PeaceKeepers Spartans University
    Consciousness Pirates Drones Angels Cult Caretakers Usurpers

    Preferred Faction #1:
    Preferred Faction #2:
    Preferred Faction #3:
    Preferred Faction #4:
    Preferred Faction #5:
    Preferred Faction #6:
    Preferred Faction #7:
    Preferred Faction #8:
    Preferred Faction #9:
    Preferred Faction #10:
    Preferred Faction #11:
    Preferred Faction #12:
    Preferred Faction #13:
    Preferred Faction #14:

    All the underline stuff is what my defaults are set to. I'm sure most of your are too. Just delete what you don't want for the questions with the options listed. Leave all options that are possibilties for you.

    Level: Transcend Thinker Librarian Talent Specialist Citizen DoNotCare
    Size of Planet: Huge Large Standard Small Tiny Random DoNotCare
    Ocean Coverage: 70-90% 50-70% 30-50% Random DoNotCare
    Erosive Forces: Weak Average Strong Random DoNotCare
    Native Life Forms: Random Rare Average Abundant DoNotCare
    Cloud Cover: Random Sparse Average Dense DoNotCare
    Higher Goal: Yes No DoNotCare
    Total War: Yes No DoNotCare
    Peace in Our Time: Yes No DoNotCare
    Mine, All Mine: Yes No DoNotCare
    One for All: Yes No DoNotCare
    Do or Die: Yes No DoNotCare
    Look First: No Yes DoNotCare
    Tech Stagnation: No Yes DoNotCare
    Spoils of War: No Yes DoNotCare
    Blind Research: No Yes DoNotCare
    Intense Rivalry: No Yes DoNotCare
    No Unity Survey: Yes No DoNotCare
    No Unity Scattering: No Yes DoNotCare
    Bell Curve: No Yes DoNotCare
    Time Warp: No Yes DoNotCare
    Iron Man: No Yes DoNotCare
    Randomize faction leader personalities: No Yes DoNotCare
    Randomize faction leader social agendas: No Yes DoNotCare


    This information you provide will be used for smac and smacx gaming purposes only. Please notice I have even Blind Carbon Copied this E-mail to even protect your usernames.

    YES NO

    Anyway, I appreciate the time this took and will help me do my job so much more effectively.

    PLEASE when playing a PBEM game also send a message to the other players in your group when you pass on your turn with the Game Name, Year of Turn, and the Name of the next player in the subject line. This helps keep track of where the turn is and helps to pinpoint problems.

    PLEASE when playing a TCP/IP game with Simultaneous moves ON make sure to announce to everyone you are going to call council and make sure you get a reply that they are sitting and waiting fot you to call it or the game most likely will crash. An even more effective meathod of calling council in TCP/IP is to have the HOST call the council when everyone has OK'ed they are ready, waiting, and sitting idle. Also most TCP/IP games have a no contact rule until you meet the other factions. There is a alpha.txt modification that solves the possible "cheating" issue. I find it quite useful but the only problem is that you do not see the other people on the comm list until you meet them so you can't see who is still moving so you can determine if you are possibly stuck.


    Daytrippin (John)

    See you on Chiron!

    P.S. please feel free to forward this to any active players which you know. And have them send it to me at: OR
    [This message has been edited by Daytrippin (edited May 07, 2001).]

  • #2
    First of all, this is the wrong forum. Transfering to AC-Multiplaying now, this is forum for CtP!
    And, players tend to find each other by posting on the forum that they want a game .

    Solver the "Running Beer" -
    Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
    Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
    I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


    • #3
      Could have sworn I posted it in the right directory but I was running on no sleep for days......Sorry, the menu does seem monochromatic do get alot of this don't you... Anyway, again, sorry.



      Originally posted by Solver on 05-04-2001 09:41 AM
      First of all, this is the wrong forum. Transfering to AC-Multiplaying now, this is forum for CtP!
      And, players tend to find each other by posting on the forum that they want a game .


      • #4
        No bump here. Excellent post... Solver here.
        [This message has been edited by Solver (edited May 15, 2001).]
        Every positive value has it's price in negative terms - the genius of Einstein leads to Hiroshima.
        ---Pablo Picasso.

