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New Newbie SMAC PBEM Game

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  • New Newbie SMAC PBEM Game


    I'm thinking of starting a new PBEM game for people who have never played (or only a few times) SMAC in multiplayer. I'm also looking for average players, ie. not people who think that Transcent should be the easiest difficulty level.

    Settings would be whatever we all agree with, but I was thinking of something alongs the lines of Standard to Large custom map at Librarian (or maybe Thinker) difficulty level with standard rules (except maybe for Tech Starvation (slower tech progress) if everyone agree).

    Would anyone be interested? I think it could be fun.

    [This message has been edited by Midnight (edited April 22, 2001).]

  • #2
    Hi! I'm game for a newbie PBEM. Any rules are fine with me (I guess), but probably best to have a random map? I've never done PBEM before. Count me in!



    • #3
      Yes of course, I meant Standard or Large random map, not custom. My bad.


      • #4
        Hi! I've never played a PBEM game before but it sounds like fun. I like large maps, tech-stag is fine either way. But I'm really not picky. What kind of schedule are we talking about? I can probably only play my turns late, say 10pm - 1am (CST).

        - SamIAm


        • #5
          I would be interested in joining a newbie. I've played mostly Civ2 rather than smac. Look forward to it starting.


          • #6
            I'd be interested in a game.. count me in.


            • #7
              SamIAm, I was thinking, if possible, of having us all meet at the beginning of the game for 3-4 hours so we can play the first 50 of so turns by IP, since they go so fast. From then on, we would switch to PBEM (or from the very start, if somehow we can't all meet at the same time) with a turn every 2 (hopefully) or 3 (since I'm sure we all have better things to do in our lives than play SMAC ) days. Note that this will be my first PBEM game too, so I'm just throwing those ideas out, but they seems to make sense (well, to me at least! ). Of course, if you have any better ideas, feel free to correct me!


              It looks like we already have 5 players: Radagast, SamIAm, sits, Twister and myself (Midnight). Cool! That seems like a good enough number to start a game, no?

              (Twister, would this be your first PBEM game? Since everyone else is a multiplayer newbie, I think it wouldn't be fair if someone had already played PBEM alot.)

              Okie, let's get to work then. I need a few info from you guys.

              A) FACTION

              List your top 4 favourite factions, in decreasing order.

              1. Faction #1
              2. Faction #2
              3. Faction #3
              4. Faction #4

              When I have everyone preferences, I'll randomly pick your names, with the first player selected getting his first choice, etc. I'll pick my own faction at the end, almong the 3 remaining, that way no one can accuse me of cheating.

              B) Settings

              1. The map will be a random one (ocean surface: 50-70%, erosive forces: average, native life forms: average, cloud cover: average). Which size do you want: Standard or Large?

              2. Difficulty level: Librarian or Thinker?

              3. Game settings will be Standard Rules with the exception that Tech Stagnation will be ON. Is this addition okay with you (Yes), or is it an insurmontable obstacle to your enjoyment of the game (No)?

              C) IP Game

              1. Would you be willing to, as I mentioned above, play the first 50 turns or so in a IP game before switching to PBEM?

              2. If yes, at what points this week would you be available for this game? Please also mention which timezone you're speaking about.

              There, I think that pretty much covers it. Did I forget anything?



              • #8
                Hey everyone,

                well, I've played a couple of PBEM...still fighting my way through one of them. So, this isn't my first, but my experiance is limited.

                so here are my responses

                1. Hive
                2. Spartan
                3. University
                3. Morgan

                1. I prefer Large...
                2. Doesn't matter...Librarian
                3. Not sure why you would want this...PBEM is already slow...this would make it even slower. Is Blink research in your standard rules?

                1. I would be willing if we could get a time...I'm only available a short time online. 12:00pm EST or so. (any day)




                • #9
                  Would you like to make this PBEM game a rated one? If yes, please refer to the thread at the very top of this forum.

                  Solver the "Running Beer" -
                  Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
                  Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
                  I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


                  • #10
                    1. University
                    2. Gaian
                    3. Hive
                    4. Morgan

                    1. I'd say standard: since this is for most of us our first PBEM game, we're likely to make lots of first-time a map that encourages faster meeting between factions and a fast game might be better (the way I play, I have a feeling by the tenth year, I'll want the game to be over very, very much)

                    2. Thinker

                    3. No: why tech stagnation?? is this a usual convention in PBEM games?

                    1. The IP game idea sounds good
                    2. USUALLY I am free from 9pm-3am EST. However, before this Friday is not-so-good.

                    BTW: once one has the file for PBEM, how does one open it, do the turn, then send?


                    • #11
                      oh yeah, what about doing this as a rated game? If we're all newbies, then it doesn't seem like it could hurt too much, since relatively (in theory) we should all be about the same.

                      In theory.


                      • #12
                        Tech Stagnation Explanation: The reason why I suggested we play with Tech Stagnation ON is that, in my experience, I always end up rushing up the tech tree so fast it's not even funny, making discoveries every 2 or 3 turns, even faster if I concentrate on research. When I have Tech Stag on, discoveries are slowed to around every 4-8 turns, spreading the new techs around the game and actually giving me time to play with the discoveries made (ie. why bother with building chaos troops (8) when you know that in less turns that it will take you to actually make those troops, you'll already have discovered the plasma technology (13)). Anyway, that's just my opinion and if everybody votes no, we'll play without it.

                        Rankings: I guess we should all agree on this before decide to rank this game. I don't really mind one way or the other and I'll go with whatever you guys decide.



                        • #13

                          Originally posted by Radagast on 04-24-2001 04:29 PM
                          BTW: once one has the file for PBEM, how does one open it, do the turn, then send?

                          When you get the file, to in SMAC -> Multiplayer -> Load Game and select it. When you get in the game, a pop-up window will appears, saying something like "Turn: University" and prompting you for a password. Type it in and you'll be able to play your turn. When you hit the "END TURN" button, a new pop-up will appears, with "Turn: Whoever is playing after you" and prompting your for a password again. Obviously you won't know it, so click on "Save and exit", send the file to the next player and await your next turn. Voila!



                          • #14
                            Midnight - Can you you confirm that you received my details via a private message? Cheers!


                            • #15
                              I have played SMAC a reasonable amount (I am not an expert), but have never played multiplayer.

                              Here are my preferences:

                              1. Morgan
                              2. University
                              3. Peacekeepers
                              4. Spartans

                              1. I prefer Large
                              2. Thinker
                              3. Yes

                              1. Sounds OK (I do not know exactly how that works. Do we know that it is possible to change from IP to PBEM?)
                              2. My online time is very limited:
                              - A short time (10 minutes or so) during the day
                              - The only long period would be late, 12:00am - 3:00am CST

                              However, I don't want to keep the rest of you from playing in an IP game if everyone but me agrees on a time.

                              BTW: I have the SMAC version 4.0 patch (don't know if that matters)

