Game settings:
Thinker level
Huge map, 50-70% water, average erosion, cloud cover and ALF
all victories enabled, incl. cooperative
do or die
directed research, no tech stag, no tech steal
no unity survey,
pod scattering
no random events
Initial units assigned per player's preferences, for a value of 200 minerals (costs: colony pod 30, former 20, scout patrol 10, scout rover 30, unity foil 30)
Starting locations have been balanced as follows:
- to each their own island/continent
- access to at least one special landmarks within 10 tiles of the landing spot
- nobody has access to the Jungle
If you discover any errors or problems in the setup, please let me know and keep playing the game until the end of the first turn (ie. each player gets the turn once), to avoid unnecessary multiple restarts.
Have fun.
(of course, I had to screw up UBB
[This message has been edited by Aredhran (edited February 09, 2001).]
Solver Consciousness [email][/email] Keygen University [email][/email] Tau Ceti Spartans [email][/email] mark13 Peacekeepers [email][/email] Misotu Hive [email][/email] big_canuk Morgan [email][/email] Rynn Believers [email][/email]
Thinker level
Huge map, 50-70% water, average erosion, cloud cover and ALF
all victories enabled, incl. cooperative
do or die
directed research, no tech stag, no tech steal
no unity survey,
pod scattering
no random events
Initial units assigned per player's preferences, for a value of 200 minerals (costs: colony pod 30, former 20, scout patrol 10, scout rover 30, unity foil 30)
Starting locations have been balanced as follows:
- to each their own island/continent
- access to at least one special landmarks within 10 tiles of the landing spot
- nobody has access to the Jungle
If you discover any errors or problems in the setup, please let me know and keep playing the game until the end of the first turn (ie. each player gets the turn once), to avoid unnecessary multiple restarts.
Have fun.
(of course, I had to screw up UBB
[This message has been edited by Aredhran (edited February 09, 2001).]