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Turns of JMRVX

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  • #31

    LOL = Laughed out Loud
    ROFLOL = Rolled on Floor Laughing out loud)
    LMAO = laughed my Ass Off

    2106 to Mark13

    Game crashed on saving turn, so had to replay and got a good save. No material difference (flamed a MW second time that wasn't there first time, tame MW killed a MW first time that didn't appear second time)


    • #32
      Turn to XWaste....
      We're back!


      • #33
        2107 to Vultur


        • #34
          From Scout001's report 2432/MY2107
          Bzzz.... There are bzzz... interferences here. Stop.
          Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.... Found a Transport Foil. St...bzzzzzzzz....Waiting new orderzzzzzzzzz...........

          From Gunfoil's report 3497/MY2107
          Found a Sonar Pod. Stop. Trasferred map's data to HQ. Stop. Pod stopped warking. Stop. Found Nutrient resources. Stop. Waiting new orders. Stop.

          2107 to Jacques. Stop.
          Aslo the gods are impotent against men's stupidity --Frederich Shiller
          In my vocabulary the word "Impossible" doesn't exist --Napoleon
          Stella Polaris Development Team -> Senior Code Writer (pro tempore) & Designer


          • #35
            2107 to Mark13


            • #36
              2107 to XWaste - no eventful occurences to report...
              We're back!


              • #37
                2108 to vultur


                • #38
                  From Top Secrect Comunication 001
                  To the attention of the Captain.
                  Our research effort have given us important results in the field of the #cancelled# of this Planet. Now we can expand more and #cancelled# better our bases.
                  We suggest to use immidiatly the knowlegde so we could #cancelled# the seas. Our new unit type, the #cancelled#, have been already prototiped.

                  2108 to Jacques

                  [This message has been edited by Vultur (edited December 12, 2000).]
                  Aslo the gods are impotent against men's stupidity --Frederich Shiller
                  In my vocabulary the word "Impossible" doesn't exist --Napoleon
                  Stella Polaris Development Team -> Senior Code Writer (pro tempore) & Designer


                  • #39
                    2108 to Mark13

                    Cha-Rynn sat with her advisors.

                    "Alphonse is reporting that he has stopped for rest in a fungus patch beside a city that clearly is of alien origin. Small. I have instructed our scout patrol and the Unity Rover to make their way there.

                    "We do not yet know their language - nor their method of communication. Resonance based in some way."

                    Samuels looked up. "Then we must research it," he said. "If alien, then who knows how technologically advanced they might be. We could learn much from them."

                    Cha-Rynn turned to him. "Present company excepted," she said sweetly, smiling at the young scientist, "but I am of a mind to exterminate anything that walks on two legs. I sense that this is what Planet would want done." She turned to Fatima. "Instruct Alphonse to lurk in the fungus until the rover and scout arrive on the scene. Then we will decide whether to exterminate these alien vermin."

                    The Council broke up, Samuels deeply disturbed.


                    • #40
                      2108 to XWaste....
                      We're back!


                      • #41
                        2109 to Vultur


                        • #42
                          From a Red Priority Internal Commlink's Call
                          Psych Cappelain:Captain! Emergency at HQ!!!
                          Captain Vultur:What's appening???
                          PC:There is a...dr....
                          CV:I have no time to waste!!!
                          PC:A DRONE RIOT!!!
                          PC:Yes... seem that the problems in living on this Planet are stimulated the riots...
                          CV:But if we don't work, we can't resolve the problems
                          CV:Hmmmmmm...Organize something...a contest... a competition!
                          PC:But why?
                          Panem et Circenses
                          CV:Food and Amusement...what ignorance!
                          PC:Ok Captain! it will be done Captain!

                          2109 to Jacques

                          [This message has been edited by Vultur (edited December 13, 2000).]
                          Aslo the gods are impotent against men's stupidity --Frederich Shiller
                          In my vocabulary the word "Impossible" doesn't exist --Napoleon
                          Stella Polaris Development Team -> Senior Code Writer (pro tempore) & Designer


                          • #43
                            2109 to Mark13


                            • #44
                              2110 to Vultur


                              • #45
                                The brave colonists once again lined up outside, waiting for their turn to enter the giant capsule that was to transport them, by sea, to their new base site. Some of them looked calm, others shaking, others quietly contemplating their last few hours in Gaia's Landing.

                                "Clear!" came the instruction, as the colonists began to file into the strange looking Colony Pod. The security guard stood firmly to attention, seemingly unaware of the commotion surrounding him. Then, as the crowd quietened, a figure stood tall on the balcony. Duke Mark had arrived to pay homage to the travellers. The crowd immediately turned in silence, as the Duke delievered his speech.

                                "Ladies and gentlemen, we are witnessing history at its very finest. As another branch of our tree detaches itself from Gaia's Landing, we dream one day of a sprawling empire, stretched across Planet's surface for all to see. This day, for all its glory, is but moving one step closer to that. It is up to the gallant Captain of our Unity Foil to see that we get there, for such a crucial step in our colonisation of this strange world must never be taken lightly."

                                As the crowd dispersed, they raised their hands high above their head, and joined with Planet for one marvellous moment. For this was the beginning of something big, and they wanted Planet to be a part of it.


                                2109 to XWaste
                                We're back!

