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Turns of JMRVX

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  • 2123 to Mark13


    • Turn to XWaste....
      We're back!


      • Please excuse me for the long wait, but I was very busy and I've forgot to send 2124 to Jacques

        [This message has been edited by Vultur (edited January 23, 2001).]
        Aslo the gods are impotent against men's stupidity --Frederich Shiller
        In my vocabulary the word "Impossible" doesn't exist --Napoleon
        Stella Polaris Development Team -> Senior Code Writer (pro tempore) & Designer


        • If you havent received 2124.. I would definitely need to send it to you again...

          Tought that Vultur had been holding the game when he sent 2124 again and which I had already played...

          Anyway, I'll check in a few hours from now and should still have your (Rynn's) turn...


          • If you havent received 2124.. I would definitely need to send it to you again...

            Tought that Vultur had been holding the game when he sent 2124 again and which I had already played...

            Anyway, I'll check in a few hours from now and should still have your (Rynn's) turn...


            • 2124 to mark13


              • Who's the last that have rcieved the turn?

                Aslo the gods are impotent against men's stupidity --Frederich Shiller
                In my vocabulary the word "Impossible" doesn't exist --Napoleon
                Stella Polaris Development Team -> Senior Code Writer (pro tempore) & Designer


                • Double Post

                  [This message has been edited by Vultur (edited January 24, 2001).]
                  Aslo the gods are impotent against men's stupidity --Frederich Shiller
                  In my vocabulary the word "Impossible" doesn't exist --Napoleon
                  Stella Polaris Development Team -> Senior Code Writer (pro tempore) & Designer


                  • My last played turn is 2123, played on Jan 15th, and my last saved .zip file is mark13's turn of the same year, sent on that day.

                    He sent to Xwaste on the 16th

                    Is Jacques sitting on 2124?


                    • Turned to XWaste.... *sigh*
                      We're back!


                      • quote:

                        Originally posted by mark13 on 01-25-2001 02:48 PM
                        Turned to XWaste.... *sigh*

                        Why "*sigh*?
                        Don't drone be talent!

                        2125 to Jacques
                        Aslo the gods are impotent against men's stupidity --Frederich Shiller
                        In my vocabulary the word "Impossible" doesn't exist --Napoleon
                        Stella Polaris Development Team -> Senior Code Writer (pro tempore) & Designer


                        • 2125 to mark13

                          Cha Rynn looked over the table at her advisors.

                          "I am of a mind to cease hostilities against these Aliens," she said.

                          The venerable Googlie, her External Affairs Druid, raised one eyebrow.

                          "Might I be so bold as to ask why?" he asked.

                          Cha Rynn nodded.

                          "Fair question. Our vendetta is tying up resources. Our Base Governors are clamoring for facilities to grow the population and keep them occupied and entertained. Producing military units is stifling our growth."

                          Hampton, her young Internal Affairs Druid, nodded enthusiastically. Googlie looked over at him scornfully:

                          "Ah, yes", he said. "By all means, let us make our targets more appetising for these Aliens. I say eradicate them first, then think of expanding our toehold on this Planet."

                          Cha Rynn looked thoughtful, then tapped the table with her stylus.

                          "I have decided," she said. "We will do both. We will tie down the garrison at their second base from long distance with our spore launcher, while Alphonse trolls the fungus. And all our bases will switch to recycling Tanks that we will rush build as soon as we accumulate the credits from our industry - or Alphonse's efforts. If Alphonse is successful in recruiting a mindworm brigade, then we will move against their bases.

                          "And I have ordered our new Laser Infantry unit to the Monoliths to learn the ways of Planet."

                          Only Druid Googlie looked uncomfortable as the meeting broke up, muttering as he left

                          "I only hope she knows what she's doing."


                          • Because this game is not my favourite now, that's why....

                            Turn to XWaste....
                            We're back!


                            • 2126 to mark13


                              • "Labs reporting."
                                "What is it?"
                                "We appear to have made a breakthrough, sir."
                                "It's about time. What is the nature of this breakthrough?"
                                "Our weapons department showed a marked increase in both accuracy and penetration yesterday, sir. It has occured due to the testing of our new "laser" weapon."
                                "Good work. Bring me the report."
                                "Aye, sir. Labs out."


                                2126 to XWaste....
                                [This message has been edited by mark13 (edited January 27, 2001).]
                                We're back!

