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Hive and Cult plus x...Players wanted!

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  • Hive and Cult plus x...Players wanted!

    The player named Anunikoba and myself will enter an MP with Anunikoba playing The Hive and myself going in as The Cult. We are looking for two more players, so we can play the game as a part of this tournament.
    Faction choice is left to whoever is interested. Level should be Thinker, but possibly lower. Random map.
    Post here or send email if you are interested.
    Tau Ceti, if you happen to read this and if you find the time, just put us up with two random players who are waiting to be assigned to a game.

    May the fungus be with you...
    [This message has been edited by Rastapopoulos (edited March 09, 2001).]
    May the fungus be with you...

  • #2
    I'm in if a spot is still available
    In my other games I have poor researching factions so how about I take the University for a change. Extra tech-- Centauri Ecology

    email when it gets set up.


    • #3
      We are the Borgs. We will join. Resitance is futile.

      Count me in as Cyborgs.

      Oh, and Thinker is fine.
      It hurts to be on the cutting edge!


      • #4
        Well, you folks certainly make it tough for me, I'm facing Cyborgs and UoP, both great researchers, and The Hive with all his power in Growth an Building. A real test for Cha Dawn.
        Let's do it, I will notify Tau Ceti of our plans.
        May the fungus be with you...


        • #5
          Already working on it.

