2158 to DiDad.
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Turns of ACT035 game, second thread
2158 to Misotu.
About the bug: in ACT006 we had the same problem. I'll copy Tau Ceti's response from that thread here:
This has happened in several other games as well. Sadly, there is no clean solution - if that last base is ever captured or destroyed, the game will end immediately.
Therefore, the sub-optimal solution that is used is that the base is left alive, set to Stockpile Energy, population that is not needed is made into doctors, Grigger's energy allocation is set to 100% psych, any trade treaties he has (none in this case, I believe) are cancelled, and the city is off limits for the rest of the game.
Unfortunately, this deprives Paul of a base. It seems, however, that nothing can be done to prevent this. If that last base is a very large or important one, containing SPs or the like, I would suggest that Paul take control of the University, rush a colony pod, build a new, worthless base somewhere else and take over the original base afterwards. Otherwise, leave it as it is.
In either case, one of you will have to play Grigger's turn (just pressing turn complete) and will need his password. It should not matter too much who that is; up to you.
Sorry about this but it is outside my control. No idea what causes it.
So when you have killed my last defender I will send you my password end you'll just hit "end turn" for me and send the game to Misotu.
Hi ... I have received the game, sorry about the delay I have guests here for the holidays. Since I am playing 18 games at the moment (!) I'm prioritising the new ones where I'm moving a scout and hitting turn endI'll play as soon as I can. Apologies again and Happy Holidays
Team 'Poly
Nah. But quite a few hours, for sureYeah, I know. The circumstances are unusual - I'm living in the US, in the middle of a wood miles from anywhere, without a work visa. So ... there's not an awful lot to do around here ...
And you know, PBEM being what it is, there are quite a few days when I only have to play one or two turns ...
Anyway, enough of the sad story of my life. The guests have gone, the turn is played and 2159 is finally on its way to DiDad ...Team 'Poly
I just sent 2160 to Misotu. That was my last turn; Viriato will hit end-turn for me from now on. Tau Ceti's instructions said that I should cancel all trade treaties so I ended my pacts. I can't cancel peace treaties as far as I know, so I told Viriato that in his next turn as Hive he should propose to the University to attack the Gaians and PK and then accept that proposal when he plays the UoP turn. So don't be alarmed when the UoP declares vendetta on you; it just has to be done so that you won't get any trade income from me.