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Turns of AXT029 game in Apolyton PBEM Tournament

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  • I am very impressed. Good work, all of you! LOL!

    Edit: Hmm. This looks a bit silly on its own on this page. Ah well.

    [This message has been edited by Tau Ceti (edited December 28, 2000).]


    • We all knew what you meant, Tau. That is a cute ti by the way. It will be hard to top Misotu...

      2106 on to Alinestra.


      • (or maybe it's a cut tie?)

        I go ogle now

        [This message has been edited by Googlie (edited December 28, 2000).]


        • on to Misotu


          • Just for the record, I have nothing serious against Yang. Well ... I'm not fond of his neat, lilac ovaries and vile, seal raincoat.

            But apart from that, we're best of pals.

            2106 is off to RedFred
            Team 'Poly


            • Hmmm...good ones Misotu, although they do bring rather unpleasant images to mind.

              Please check the file you sent me and resend. Thanks.


              • Done. Sorry about the back-and-forth on email, hope you have the right file now ... e-vacillations are Misotu

                All right. All right. I can hear the whimpers of people who can't stand it any more. I'm done anagramming
                Team 'Poly


                • That file worked. Off to Alinestra.


                  • Pah. You're just jealous because I've got my very own over-ground observation tower specially built at my recommendation for my own disposal, by the Chairman's Director of Urban Projects. Also, you just can't stand the fact that furthermore it has been rendered proof against mindworm attacks by smearing it with the highly acidic spittle of the Xenophidius Maximus, or Great PlanetSnake, which is a natural predator of the mindworms' fungal blooms, and the touch of which the mindworms shun if in small groups.

                    Therefore, I bid you all to cower and quail before my spit-covered tower, being as it is... (set phasers to pun)...

                    A SALIVAL ERECTION.

                    Turn 2107 sent to Googlie.
                    "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


                    • I am surprised that Misotu didn't post her turn. Perhaps she is off thinking up more clever anagrams.

                      MY 2108 off to Alinestra.


                      • Just to let you know - I've been coming back every day to this thread since this whole anagram thing started. What a must-read thread this is - absolutely hilarious. Well done everybody.
                        [This message has been edited by mark13 (edited December 30, 2000).]
                        We're back!


                        • Must ... resist ... further ... anagrams ...

                          Phew. Made it.

                          2107 is off to the Deft Proper Herd

                          Team 'Poly


                          • Just saw your post RedFred - and you're right. Took a while to come up with anything at all ... you wouldn't consider changing your name to something with a more useful range of letters would you? Think of the possibilities of, say, Greville Courtney Bartholomew Smith. Or Timothy Clive Pumpernickel.

                            Food for thought, eh?

                            Hiya Mark
                            Team 'Poly


                            • Turn 2108 sent to the man to whom I GO OGLE in the shower. We have successfully managed to create a chemical that stimulates both the pleasure centers in the brain amygdala and the oral enzyme production glands under the tongue. Not only that, but the drug has a tendency to cause dramatic weight loss in the test subject. We call it the Elsogen, so called because it generates "ELS", or

                              EROTIC LEAN SALIVA

                              I should probably get them to stop producing this drug since it's unethical but that will have to wait. The possibilities are just too tempting - you can end up with a lab full of attractively slim people who are literally drooling for sex. And we can't have that. Obviously.

                              Now if you'll excuse me I have to get back to the testing.
                              "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


                              • LOL.

                                Alas! vile creation! You're right. Most unethical. I shall organise a protest group immediately. This will corrupt the young and undermine the fabric of our society. And as soon as I have my hands on that free sample, I shall be able to plan our campaign. Course, might take a while to investigate just *how* dangerous and subversive this is. As in reveal coital implications

                                PS Allie, did you *choose* this name to be anagrammed??? You wouldn't believe some of the things I can get. Not printable here After all, who wants to talk anal erotica evils,? Or vain, clitoral ease?
                                Team 'Poly

