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Turns of ACT021 game, second thread

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  • #61
    Turn to Morgan much earlier today (yesterday).


    • #62
      Boo hoo. 2176 to Misotu....

      Where there's life, there's hope....
      We're back!


      • #63
        Spartan farm labourers today strode peacefully into a further Peacekeeper base. A few shots were fired, nothing too troublesome.

        2176 to the Believers
        Team 'Poly


        • #64
          Turn to Gaians.

          Spartan farm labourers, that's good Ok, Believer bible students fought some more battles, killed more Godless capitalists.
          Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, as it did Obi Wan's apprentice.


          • #65
            Quite right too. Best thing for 'em. Don't know the first thing about ploughshares, that's for sure
            Team 'Poly


            • #66

              Come on guys, you can do it...

              [wipes tears from eyes]


              2177 to Misotu...
              [This message has been edited by mark13 (edited October 24, 2000).]
              We're back!


              • #67
                In response to desperate pleas from Markite citizens, elite Spartan tractor divisions are moving into Morgan territory to offer their protection to the population. Unofficial statements from farming leaders suggested that a change of government would be necessary to ensure the security of the territory.

                2177 to the estimable Fanatics.
                Team 'Poly


                • #68
                  OK, well plan A didn't work, so plan B is to sabotage everyone's e-mail accounts to ensure that I don't see this turn for at least another couple of weeks.


                  Markite official announcement:

                  The CEO would like to offer a warm thank you to Plantswoman Misotu, and will be only too happy to offer the requested technology, Gene Splicing, as compensation for your troubles.

                  A change of government will follow shortly, the Free Market stance proving most impractical for warring purposes.


                  Also, I urge you to vote for Plantswoman Misotu in the forthcoming Spartan elections. She has beaten off Colonel Santiago for an astonishing 77 years thus far, and, in that time, has shaped the Spartan faction into a formidable planetary force. You know it makes sense.
                  We're back!


                  • #69
                    Turn to Gaians.

                    Official Believer announcement.

                    Elite Believer zealots marched into Riverside today, after brushing aside the energy fattened defenders. Also elite Believer special forces succeeded in their missions, although the exact nature of the missions are classified we can tell you that they will hamper the Morganites ability to wage war.
                    Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, as it did Obi Wan's apprentice.


                    • #70
                      Splendid campaign leaflet Mark.

                      Official Spartan Announcement

                      Although preoccupied with her seedlings, Plantswoman Misotu took time out to make a rare public appearance. Looking frail and somewhat soiled in her old green gloves, she said:

                      "There appears to be a misunderstanding. The change of government we had in mind was more radical than the one proposed by the CEO. I urge Markite citizens to cast their vote for me - and my elite tractors - in the forthcoming elections to be held in Markite territory."

                      The statement was characteristically short. Walking back to her greenhouse, the Plantswoman was heard to mutter "Who on earth is Santiago?"

                      Team 'Poly


                      • #71
                        Hey Garth, I never got the turn. Could you resend please?


                        • #72
                          OK Mark. Plan B worked. How did you do it?
                          Team 'Poly


                          • #73
                            Ok, turn resent.
                            Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, as it did Obi Wan's apprentice.


                            • #74
                              I have my ways

                              The good Lord realised that I really didn't want to see this turn again for a while, so he hijacked the e-mail.

                              Oh well, it seems the end is nigh

                              Sorry to everyone for embarrasing myself so badly in my first ever PBEM game - I lasted all of 10 turns
                              We're back!


                              • #75
                                It's not over yet, my friend. Your pactmate is sitting pretty and I reckon air power is pretty much there ...

                                What do you mean "sorry?"

                                You haven't seen anything ... first of all, you took over someone else's game. And secondly, you didn't see *my* first PBEM. You think *you're* embarrassed????


                                Double hah!

                                It was horrible Creamed. Totally creamed. After just 40 turns. And *I* was playing it from the beginning. I don't even want to think about it.

                                Anyway, enough of that. Where is (are?) White Elephants? Now Mark, I know you're not fond of this game. To say the least But whatever it is you're doing to his email, you can just stop it right now OK?
                                Team 'Poly

