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Turns of AXT007 game, second thread

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  • #16
    Usurper are attacking me southward and Caretaker northward. The latter is the worst situation, since they have landed with a battle ogre.

    turn to BigCanHack


    • #17
      Not much I can do on the battle ogre Foreman, but I am working towards your territory clearing Usurper bases in the south. Destroyed one further Usurper base this turn. Lost an impact interceptor to an 8-1-10 caretaker jet, which is interesting since it was actually in flight at the time

      The jet was destroyed by my remaining interceptor.

      2179 sent to the Foreman.
      Team 'Poly


      • #18
        I'll try a missile strike on Caretaker Ogre next year: Mis, thank for you support !

        turn to BigCanHack


        • #19
          The missile should sort the battle ogre

          Destroyed a Usurper size 7 base for the loss of one chopper. Gassed a Caretaker size 6 base down to size 2.

          The launch of our first satellite this year enabled us to map the whole of Planet ... the Aliens have zillions of bases

          2180 sent to the Foreman.
          Team 'Poly


          • #20
            Battle Ogre destroyed
            We are loosing too many units on the southern front against the Usurpers. Maybe we humans need to coordinate a joint attack, before it's too late !

            turn to BigCanHack


            • #21
              The Gaians are pleased to report the destruction of a further Usurper size 4 base in the south. A pleasantly vacant area of land is beginning to open up in the southern continent as a result of our efforts

              We will need to build further aircraft to assist the Drones in tackling the Caretakers in the north. This will take a little time.

              2181 sent to
              Team 'Poly


              • #22
                Turn to BigCanHack

                We have destoryed other five aliens jet.
                Mis I think we should coordinate our war efforts: we must clean this world !


                • #23
                  The Gaians would be pleased to co-ordinate attacks, but what do you propose? Currently I only have one chopper and one jet, neither of which are close to you. I notice that you're building a lot of missiles, so that makes it hard to co-ordinate because my military can't attack empty cities I guess you can't afford choppers/jets because of FM?

                  2182 sent to the Foreman
                  Team 'Poly


                  • #24
                    what do you think of a Planet Buster strike on those awful aliens ? No mercy on them: the first missile will be ready in few years !

                    Turn to BigCanhack


                    • #25
                      2183 (I think) to Misotu.

                      I am just going happily along, minding my own business, when what do you know: the turn I pull ahead of the Usurpers in the score, they show up in my territory with a noodle. Coincidence: I think not!
                      Team 'Poly


                      • #26
                        Um Henry ... I think that a PB would be a waste of money

                        They have many small bases. In order to execute a planet buster strike, you will have to expend a lot of minerals - far more than is sensible for the return.

                        I highly recommend that you build nerve gas choppers. They are extremely effective against the Aliens. Using just two of them (one now deceased, sadly ) I have wiped out more than a quarter of the Usurpers' bases in less than half a dozen turns.

                        Quite effective, I think you'll agree.

                        2183 sent to the Foreman
                        [This message has been edited by Misotu (edited October 15, 2000).]
                        Team 'Poly


                        • #27
                          Thank you Mis: the first X-Missile chopper will be ready next year!
                          Meanwhile, a massive mind worm attack is being executed against one of my coastal bases

                          turn to BigCanHack


                          • #28
                            2184 to Misotu

                            sorry for the reload msgs. crashed on save the 1st time on tues night (i grumbled and went to bed - sorry)
                            then it crashed with a "cannot do redraw" today. The kids have been playing AOK and i don't think it likes SMAX. Anyway, reboot and all ok. Formers are mostly the same result. A Usurper noodle destroyed one of my formers, I did the same, and it destroyed it again. My advantage was a 1/3 move left for my col pod which happened the last turn. but i lost a former move.

                            Team 'Poly


                            • #29
                              No problem there ... you'll get a reload message for me as well. I loaded the game fine, and could do some things, but basically nothing involving a mouse click. It just did not work - no selecting units, no opening bases, no using the menus. So I had to give up and reload, it wasn't playable. On the up-side, I hadn't actually done anything so no changes to report.

                              The Gaians are pleased to announce the completion of a buster deterrent. We have absolutely no intent or desire to deploy this weapon, but we feel that this new weapon will deter alien attacks on our bases. We reassure our very good allies that they have nothing to fear.

                              2184 transmitted to the Foreman.
                              Team 'Poly


                              • #30
                                Our laboratories have produced the first X-Missile Chopper: those aliens must pay for their rush attack on our coastal bases

                                data to BigCanHack

