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Turns of AXT011 game in Apolyton SMACX Tournament

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  • 2131 to UoP
    Team 'Poly


    • Turn has been passed on to Tau.



      • Morganic spies report that the alien faction which calls itself the Caretakers has started a training program, intending to make a Citizens' Defense Force eventually.

        2132 to Misotu.


        • Chiron Eyewitness News Report
          Alpha Prime HQ was the scene of frenzied activity today, as key Functions were summoned to the Prime Function's state chambers.

          The Prime Function is said to be furious at the lack of cohesion in Cybernetic strategy.

          It is certainly true that the "Expansion Drive" was a miserable failure after half the island was covered in fungus. The subsequent "Breeding Drive" never seemed to get off the ground, since young Borgs prefer astrophysics to sex as a recreational activity. The current "Research Drive" has been assessed as a partial success, but it is clear that it cannot be sustained at current levels for long.

          "OK, so we're having a little trouble working out which way to go" commented one Function. "Is it the end of Planet? Personally, I liked the idea of switching strategies every few turns. Kept things interesting."

          The Prime Research Function, who is rumoured to be heading for obscurity in the coming reshuffle, refused to comment on the current situation, saying only "Don't blame me, I wanted to join the UoP. How am I supposed to work without a full complement of nodes?"

          Attending meetings in person is almost unheard of in Cyberland, where functions meet on the net constantly. Critics of the current leadership suggest that the Prime Function has had difficulty throwing crockery via the net.
          Team 'Poly


          • Turn has been passed on.


            • University base was abuzz today as word got out that one of Prime Functions Prime Functions (An in joke amongst the University set)... wished she joined the University originally.



              • Nothing to report. 2133 to Misotu.


                • 2133 to the University.
                  Team 'Poly


                  • 2134 to Misotu. I had to reload because of a game crash.


                    • In haste - next turn sent to Tig.
                      Team 'Poly


                      • The University is pleased to report completion of the Virtual World. In a related story, the new entertainment park "University Land" has opened up at University base, inviting tourists from all other factions to come and enjoy a day learning about the joys of science in a 3D holographic atmosphere.

                        Provost TigToad


                        • Turn has been passed along.

                          Impatience is going to make me lose this game..


                          • What annoys me is the large number of SPs that can be built now. I want them all, and I have maybe two cities that can do such a job - in about 20-30 turns.


                            • Ah, we all suffer from classic paranoia. Regardless of the actual game situation, we expect the others to zoom past any time. Misotu's research comment is interesting; I am running Knowledge instead of wealth just to keep my research rate up at your levels! And your infrastructure is pretty good - you are the only one to have Tree Farms built, and are average in everything else. Tig's is of course the best with all the free Nodes.

                              Sorry this is so late - I have been busy the last few days...


                              • Yes ... the tech research rate is ridiculously fast. It's actually a pain - can't afford to let my research rate fall because you guys are really motoring, but my infrastructure just can't catch up enough to do anything sensible with all this stuff that's available ...

                                I've played this game pretty badly I'm afraid

                                Turn sent to Tig, a bit later than normal. I'm having real problems with hotmail at the moment.
                                Team 'Poly

