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Turns of AXT011 game in Apolyton SMACX Tournament

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  • #76
    Chiron Newswire Flash Report
    At a glittering ceremony, the Prime Function today christened the first sea-going vessel to be built on Chiron by the Cybernetic Faction. Celebrating crowds swayed unemotionally in the streets as the band played a selection of popular electronic numbers, including "We are the Robots", "Computer Welt" and "Man-Machine".

    To mark the occasion, flag-waving children were presented with small bags of popcorn featuring the Morganite logo. "We had hoped to fund something slightly more substantial with our treaty income" admitted one official. "But we gave up on that notion some time ago."
    Team 'Poly


    • #77
      The University put out a request today to other planet side factions requesting the technical know-how to run a more environmentally oriented system of government. "We believe it would be more effiecient and allow the police to show their face again. Two important factors"

      In other news, the massive surge in the University population recently triggered drone riots accross the entire island.


      In one word... "doh"



      • #78
        Cybernetic spokesfunctions today thanked the CEO for his enterprising offer. "Perhaps the CEO is unaware that a modern popcorn facility opened recently in Alpha Prime" they added. "We believe consumer demand for snack products can be met by the home market for the moment."

        Also in Alpha Prime, chart-topping electronic band Borgwerk were today honoured by the Prime Function. The band's latest hit "Neural Implants are All You Need" has been adopted as "our song" by courting couples throughout Cyberland.

        Data transmitted to the University.
        Team 'Poly


        • #79
          The good provost wishes to acknowledge CEO Tau of the Morganites in their accomplishment of taking the tech lead on Chiron. Clearly there must be some benefit to the total free market approach to economics as their researchers have managed to take the lead without the aid of a research bonus or outstanding initial tech facilities.

          It was also announced today that the research recently completed on High Energy Chemistry is available for trade, if there is an equivolent tech available.

          It is hoped that with tougher garrisons for all we can continue our peaceful co-existance.

          Also.. the Provost today is currently working on the "United Chiron Defence Agreement" (UCDA). This agreement would outline mutual defense contracts amongst the three human nation-states that if a human faction should commit acts of hositility that the remaining two factions agree to stand together in the interest of mutual defense. The Provost is hopeful he can get the other human factions to sign the document within a few years.

          Provost TigToad
          [This message has been edited by TigToad (edited March 31, 2000).]


          • #80
            We thank the Provost for his kind words, but wonder what would be considered an equivalent tech to High Energy Chemistry?

            CEO Tau Ceti has refused to make an official statement, but inside sources report that the Morgan Industries board leans towards accepting the proposed UCDA.


            • #81
              Chiron Newswire - Newsflash

              Speaking on Cyberland Today, the Prime Function announced that researchers working at a top secret facility had managed to complete a major project. Codenamed "The Weather Paradigm", it is believed that this facility will boost terraforming across the country.

              "We never liked Planet much" commented one function. "Now we can re-design it to work more efficiently."

              Elsewhere, officials were bullish about their ability to improve on planet's original design. "Just look at it. Endless moorland, few waterways, far too much pink. How can we fail?"

              The Prime Function also welcomed initial overtures from the Provost regarding a new Tripartite Accord.

              Rumours that cybernetic scouts had encountered an alien unity rover were flatly denied by high-ranking military functions. These rumours, however, persist ...
              Team 'Poly


              • #82
                Data has been sent to Morgan. The Provost has no time to file a report as he is too busy working out the details to the accord.


                • #83
                  Congratulations are in order for the intrepid Cybernetic engineers who were responsilbe for the project. Nothing new from Morgan-land.


                  • #84
                    The Morganites are pleased to see the popularity of Morganic popcorn among the Cyborgs. If there is any interest, we might open a Morgan MegaStore in Alpha Prime which would stock a full selection of modern music to add some much-needed variety and spontaneity to the Cybernetic social life.

                    CEO Tau Ceti expressed displeasure at the implication by Provost TigToad that the currently prevailing Free Market economics are environmentally damaging, and insisted that 'resources exist to be consumed'. He also said that now is not a time for 'whimpering Green idealism'.


                    • #85
                      Nothing new to report. 2124 transmitted to UoP.
                      Team 'Poly


                      • #86
                        Title: UCDA Charter--as wired to all human faction leaders today. Planet year 2124.

                        Writers: Provost TigToad, top aides from all human factions.

                        Acknowledgements: CEO Tau and Prime Function Misotu for their loan of top aides during the writing process.

                        Text: On Earth, days before we left it seemed apparent that the planet was going to be destroyed. We were chosen as the best of that planet in order to insure that the human race will survive. It is vital that we succeed especially considering our home land no longer exists in all likelyhood.

                        There can be no doubt it is mistrust that tore our home planet apart. Violence soon followed and we ended up bickering until we all but destroyed our planet and had to send the best and brightest off into space. We do not have the technology to make this mistake again. If we screw this up, we are destroyed as a species.

                        We propose the following points:

                        1. We agree to commit no violence against another human faction under any circumstance.

                        2. We agree to avoid having any military units within the city radius of another faction without prior approval.

                        3. We agree to avoid all attrocities unless we, as a group, decide to revoke the UN Charter.

                        4. We agree to completely avoid the construction of Nuclear, or planet busting weaponry for any reason. Even if the charter should fall. Using this technology against one of the bizarre alien factions could destroy our world--thus ending humanity.


                        Provost TigToad votes "yes."

                        Also, in a related statement it is believed that in the interest of trust and greater cooperation that in 2125 he will be offering full pacts to both the other factions assuming current negotiations go over as expected.



                        • #87
                          CEO Tau Ceti votes 'yes', as long as clause 2 is not interpreted as prohibiting the transport of non-combat units through others' territorial waters.


                          • #88
                            The Prime Function votes yes.
                            Team 'Poly


                            • #89
                              Let it be official then that in 2125 we have ratified and agreed to the treaty beween us all.

                              My game is going to hell, and I'm already all but lost.



                              • #90
                                CEO Tau Ceti reports that Morganic forces have made contact with elements of an alien army. Hostilities began immediately, so we think it is safe to say that they do not want us here.

                                What is so bad about your game, Tig?

