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Turns of AXT011 game in Apolyton SMACX Tournament

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  • #61
    The Prime Function wishes to assure the Provost that no offence was intended. We hope that good relations between the Consciousness and the UoP can be maintained.

    2117 sent to UoP.
    Team 'Poly


    • #62
      It is okay, they were your techs. The good Provost should have known better though to trade differing techs to differing factions. Except in the current exchange with the Morganites, future trades will be open techs for you to do with as you please.
      I do reserve the trade rights to Ecological Engineering.



      • #63
        The Morganites are pleased to see that relations with the University remain good, and wish to express their amazement at the speed of their research.


        • #64
          Transcript of meeting at Alpha Prime

          System Kappa-Beta-II active. Relinking to network.

          >>Greetings, Comms Function Kappa-Beta-II.

          ((Greetings Prime Function.))

          >>You have information for us?

          ((Affirmative. The Principal Research Function reports that the first outlying network node came on-line at 0900 hours today.))

          >>Excellent. But a single node is not enough.

          ((The Principal Research Function regrets that progress in this area is slow, Prime Function))

          >>Very well. I will speak with him myself. I am particularly interested to know whether he believes that the Deputy Research Function might complete the task more effectively.

          Transcript ends
          Team 'Poly


          • #65
            "What do you mean its gone!"

            "Provost... our single naval unit just disappeared as it tried to leave the cost of the island. They said something about a mind worm attack over the radio"

            "Mind worms couldn't attack at sea, they're not aquatic! Find out what happened to that foil!"


            • #66
              Another major earthquake struck near Morganic territory today. Once again no one was hurt, but large land masses rose out of the sea.


              • #67
                Diplomatic offers received by the Provost were acknowledged today and replies were sent.

                In other news several good base sites have been scouted out on our land mass, and the removal of the vile fungus which has ammassed from several unity pods has been started to be removed.



                • #68
                  The private office of the Prime Function

                  >>Greetings, Principal Research Function. We are astonished to see that you feel able to take time to make personal visits at this critical period.

                  ((Greetings Prime Function. Forgive this intrusion. There is a matter of some sensitivity that could only be entrusted to your ears.))


                  ((It occurred as the network node went on-line. You will recall the strange alien artifact sent to us for study. We had prepared the laboratory and assigned our best Functions to make the initial assessment and determine the nature of further study.))

                  >>Of course. The artifact must hold secrets of great power, if we can unlock them. Our most gifted functions are, perhaps, the only entities on Planet capable of attempting this demanding and complex task.

                  ((Well yes, Prime Function. So we thought. However, as soon as the artifact was brought into the laboratory, a ... well, a rather strange phenomenon occurred.))


                  ((The artifact ... leapt from the table and moved rapidly towards the node, making a series of high-pitched noises. On reaching its destination, it appeared to fuse with the node and simultaneously, blueprints for an advanced technology began to print onto the node screen.))

                  >>The artifact ... squeaked, scampered and yielded a technology for absolutely no effort on our part?

                  ((Correct, Prime Function))

                  >>No bombardment with high energy particles? No spectrum analysis of the structure? No brilliant leap of imagination from our Functions? Nothing???

                  ((Exactly, Prime Function))

                  There is a long pause, as the Prime Function fixes the Research Function with a steely gaze


                  ((Unimpressive, to say the least, Prime Function))

                  >>Prepare the press release. Emphasis should be placed on cutting edge techniques, state-of-the-art equipment, long hours, tireless testing and the supremacy of Cybernetic Researchers. No mention will be made of any chittering, squeaking or scampering. Erase this event from your memory banks.

                  ((It shall be as you say, Prime Function.))

                  Team 'Poly


                  • #69
                    And I failed to post before Tig again
                    Team 'Poly


                    • #70
                      New developments in economic theory have led to a large increase in Morgan Industries' profits. The Dow Morgan index is up by 30 % in the last 5 days.

                      MorganNet congratulates the Consciousness on the construction of its new Network Node, but would like to point out that they have had a working Node for at least ten years. Before our friends at the University chime in, YES, WE KNOW, but you grabbed all the network equipment from the Unity.


                      • #71
                        Oh, and Mis, I love your posts. They are getting hilarious...


                        • #72
                          Yeah, you definitely have the best flavor to the posts of any of the pbem games I'm in, Mis


                          • #73
                            Turn 20 is off to Tau.





                            • #74
                              Thanks guys

                              Overwhelmed. Nothing much to report. 2120 off to Tig.
                              Team 'Poly


                              • #75
                                *** MorganLink 3DVision Economy News ***

                                The new investors' darling at MISE is TerraMorgan, a recent startup company that specializes in quake-secured buildings and equipment. After the recent third planetquake near Morganic territory, their order books are full for the next 3 years, and record profits have been reported. TerraMorgan stock was up 40 % today.

