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Turns of AXT011 game in Apolyton SMACX Tournament

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  • #31
    Of course the Morganites recognize the efforts made by the University in setting up an efficient economy; in fact, much of the technology we needed to set it up ourselves was imported from the University. That, however, does not mean it will have any less impact on the lives of the Morganites. The idea is more evolutionary than revolutionary anyway; the concept was well known even back on Earth. We hardly see how patent rights could apply.

    Furthermore, we are confident in our ability to run the economy even better than the University, although we are of course pleased that there is competition. That will only serve to make us both stronger. Let the markets decide!
    [This message has been edited by Tau Ceti (edited March 23, 2000).]


    • #32
      (Sorry it took me so long to get this turn off--very busy day at work today).

      University officials report that the strange life forms the other human factions have had problems with seem to have found University territory in droves this year--indicating that it was not a local phenomenon but rather having to do with the strange fungal swamps.



      • #33
        Discoveries today at University base provided a complete map of the Human Brain. However, our researchers were most distressed today to find that we were not the first faction to map the human brain. Aparently from what reports we received from the Morganites, the Aliens have captured some of our people and have done extensive mapping of the human sub-conscious (No doubt one of the other unity pods which had the misfortunate of landing too close to the aliens).

        We eagerly await further communication from both of our human neighbors, this place could be a gold mine of research and learning for all human kind if we survive the wrath of the alien presence anyway.



        • #34
          There was much celebration at Morgan Industries, today, as the new Morgan Industries Stock Exchange (MISE) opened for business.

          'This is a great day,' CEO Tau Ceti said in his speech at the opening. 'It is a milestone in our history. Now we can truly start the hard work of creating a true free market economy to improve the living standards of all and eliminate poverty. Of course, someone must be the first to benefit. This is a great day for the Morganic shareholder.'

          The general enthusiasm among investors was noticeable, as nearly all stocks soared on the first day. MISE will be happy to review any who wish to apply for notation, including enterprising Cybernetic and University businesses.


          • #35
            University put out a brief press release this afternoon to the effect of: "The Morganites can pretend they revolutionized the idea of a Chiron based stock exchange if they want to ignore the fact that the University has had a stock exchange up and running since year 1 on planet. The Chiron-University-Exchange-of-Stocks (CUES)must get at least a little credit as a model for how to build a stock exchange on planet. If the Morganites can't recognize what we did, we worry about severe patent violations in the future."
            [This message has been edited by TigToad (edited March 23, 2000).]


            • #36
              Morgan Industries accountants report that the first subsidy payment is on its way to the Cyborgs.


              • #37
                Chiron Newswire, newsflash
                In what must be the fastest election in history, Prime Function Misotu was today elected as leader of the Cybernetic faction. The election was called, voting completed and the result announced this morning. Total elapsed time: 0.00001 seconds. Voting turnout was 100%.

                Despite being pressed by journalists, Cybernetic spokesfunctions seemed confused by questions regarding multiple candidates and parties. "We can see no efficiency benefit from introducing these unnecessary complications" was the only response.
                newsflash ends
                [This message has been edited by Misotu (edited March 24, 2000).]
                Team 'Poly


                • #38
                  Morganic industrial leaders are pleased at the amount of Unity materials our scouts bring back to our settlements. Infrastructural development is quicker than anticipated.


                  • #39
                    A strange anecdote has reached the ears of your reporter. It is rumoured that, in an uncharacteristic fit of temper, the Prime Function punished a subordinate who remarked "you can never have too much survey data".

                    The function in question will serve as a circuit board in the Alpha Prime main server for a period of at least three months.

                    The routine data transmission to UoP has been completed.
                    Team 'Poly


                    • #40
                      Did you hear the one about the Cyborg, the Banker and the Scientist...

                      Turn has been passed on to the Morganites republic without incident.



                      • #41
                        All is quiet. Nothing to report.

                        - Morganic scout patrol classic quote


                        • #42
                          An uneventful year in Cyberland. Spokesfunctions declined to call a press conference, stating that there was "nothing to announce". It is rumoured that a highly secret scientific facility is to be constructed in one of the outlying bases, specifically for the study of rabbit genes. One science function, who declined to be named, states that this has been evaluated as the best hope for matching fullhuman breeding rates.
                          Team 'Poly


                          • #43
                            Nothing new to report from Morgan Industries. Some people claim to have seen a researcher being taken away while muttering about 'orderly distribution of goods', but Morganic officials deny the story.


                            • #44
                              Any protests planet had to the election of TigToad as provost of the University was quelled today as generals accross the island reported an end to the strange worm-like creatures. Unfortunately, however, in some of the 'new' land that was discovered two years ago in the minor quake (minor compared to the other factions reports anyway of quakes), a contaminated unity pod turned a large chunk of what was viable land into that strange fungus. This sudden attack of fungus is going to slow expansion plans according to at least one University insider.



                              • #45
                                Provost TigToad has been subdued of late over the slow going of the University facilities on the planet. Despite the impending construction of two bases in the coming year he seems displeased with how slow its going in the last couple years.


