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Turns of AXT007 game in Apolyton SMACX Tournament

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  • ditto
    [This message has been edited by Misotu (edited August 24, 2000).]
    Team 'Poly


    • 2168 sent to the Gaians


      • Further attacks by Caretaker needlejets have destroyed two formers. We have retaliated by gassing their closest base and have been forced to divert resources into building an interceptor.

        We note with dismay that the Drones have sent a scout chopper into our territory without authorisation. In view of the fact that the Drones have cancelled their pact with the Gaians, we respectfully request that this unit be either removed, or used to attack the Caretaker jets currently in our territory.

        2168 sent to the Foreman.
        Team 'Poly


        • 2169 to The Lady


          • We thank the Drones for removing their scout chopper from our territory, and we hope this bodes well for continued peace. However, we are concerned to see that they are constructing a Skunkworks at Whipsaw Base. Skunkworks are useful for only one thing. We are, by nature, a peaceful people. But we give notice that we are able to defend ourselves, and that the construction of a Planet Buster by any faction will be met with ultimate force.
            Team 'Poly


            • The Drones have constructed two skunkworks to date. We believe that they intend to conduct a war with planet busters. While it saddens us to see this, particularly given the mid-game might of the Drones, we accept that this is now a race for Mutually Assured Destruction.

              We hope to be proved wrong. And now we're off to get drunk, take hallucenogenic drugs and dance naked through the trees.

              Life as the Gaians has its compensations

              2170 sent to the Foreman
              Team 'Poly


              • big_canuk and I are collaborating on the next couple of turns until i leave on Thursday - after that, (Joer) send to:


                I'll pick it up again on my return, if it is still playing (or might leave to BC depending on how well he is surviving)



                • 2170 moved smartly along


                  • Bummer, bummer, bummer. Supply crawler lost and more Caretaker needlejets in my territory.

                    We have eradicated a third Caretaker base in retaliation, and gassed a size 7 base down to a size 3.

                    2171 sent to the Drones.
                    [This message has been edited by Misotu (edited August 29, 2000).]
                    Team 'Poly


                    • No Alien attacks this turn ... perhaps they're giving up. In the meantime, we are continuing to build peacefully and we send good wishes to our neighbours.

                      Foreman, a note of caution. We notice that you are building large numbers of destroyer probes. While we would like to think that these are intended for the Aliens, we cannot help but wonder ... We give notice to both of our neighbours that any unauthorised probe found in our territory, or in waters close to our territory, will be destroyed. We hope that this will not be necessary.

                      If it is necessary to pass close to Gaian waters in order to probe an Alien base, we will require notice of this action in advance.

                      2172 sent to the Foreman.
                      Team 'Poly


                      • Hello Lady Misotu and Forman Jomai:

                        My name is Big CanHack and I am pleased to make your aquaintance. I will be leading the Data Angels for the next 6 weeks, while Hackjob Googlie, is having a new axtalpha47 data proccessor implanted. I have already had this operation, and therefore you should expect much improved performance from our people from now on.

                        turn 2172 sent to Misuto, who has already recieved it and sent it to Forman Jomai .......

                        Team 'Poly


                        • 2172 resent to the Drones ...
                          Team 'Poly


                          • Emailed Jochen again to ask him if he wants to continue. Haven't heard a word from him in ages, so I don't know whether it's ISP problems or whether he's decided to give up on the tourny ...
                            Team 'Poly


                            • Misotu:

                              should we wait awhile, since Googlie isn't here anyway, or would you like the CMN to play, while we advertize for a replacement. I'm ok with whatever you suggest. I would like to discuss some diplomacy with Joer though. This would be an unordinary chance. Shucks.
                              Team 'Poly


                              • Misotu:

                                Gee, I would have liked to practice some unusual diplomacy with Joer too. With Googlie gone, we can get the CMN to play right away, and advertize, or just wait. I'm ok with however you want to continue. Or, you could both just resign, and give Googlie and I the win
                                Team 'Poly

