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turns of ACT004 game of Apolyton SMAC tournament

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  • The file worked fine.

    Turn's off to the Hive.


    • Back to Morgan.
      Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, as it did Obi Wan's apprentice.


      • Now it's off to the Hive


        • Turn is off to the HIve..



          • "Information, the first principle of warfare"

            -- Hive builds the Command Nexus

            Turn to Morgan
            Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, as it did Obi Wan's apprentice.


            • Turn 38 sent to Hive.


              • Turn 37 is off to the PK.



                • Turn to Morgan. Sorry I didn't do more this weekend, but I was sick and could hardly look at a screen never mind actually play turns.
                  Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, as it did Obi Wan's apprentice.


                  • Turn is back off the PK.


                    From: Morgan Internal Affairs
                    Subj: Espionage from Rival Factions

                    Report: We have detected no less than 3 hive foil teams within 6 sectors of Morgan facilities as well as military units. All units at this time appear to be of espionage origin. The sheer number of units makes it very unlikely it is mearly a scouting operation. Unless these forces quickly vacate the premises we will have no choice but to respond. Unfortunate.




                    • Turn sent to the Hive (twice, I believe -- sorry about that).


                      • Hive official statement:

                        The probe teams in question are conducting training operations which require open sea. When finished their deep sea training they will retire to the fungus infested local waters for more fungus training.

                        Turn on to Morgan
                        Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, as it did Obi Wan's apprentice.


                        • Newswire: Associated Press reports:
                          Morgan Citizens are in outrage today at the lack of offical response to the excuse Yang officials gave about the probe teams in open seas near Morganite Holdings. When Tig was finally reached, his only response was "no comment." Later however one mid ranking advisor who wished to remain anonymous said, "they're clearly must be a better reason for their encrochment into Morganite waters in such numbers. They have quite large waters around their own island, ample to perform any such maneuvers. You better believe some action will be taken if such blatent disreguard for our borders is shown in the future"

                          In other news, John Simmons, first aid to the Morganites secretary of state was found dead today of a massive heart attack. Apparently he'd been under a lot of stress lately.


                          I have the turn, and will send it on to whatever email address blunderdog has listed with apolyton, but since I'm at work I don't have my address book to send it to his new mac address (don't remember what it is). I'll also send it to myself, please if you can't get the turn at your default apolyton email, drop me a line so i can resend it tonight when I get home. (won't be till late--so hopefully you'll be able to get this file).



                          • Turn is sent to the Hive.

                            As there are no hostilities as yet, the U.N. has nothing to say about the Hive-Morgan standoff. In the meantime, we will intensify our search for French recruits.


                            • Turn to Morgan.

                              Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, as it did Obi Wan's apprentice.


                              • Turn is off the PK..yet again tho at your original email address.. (I gotta get your new one at work).

                                If you'd rather I can go back to sending it to the pacbell one, as it seems to work now... otherwise I'll try to remember to forward your 'new' one to work.


