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Turns of AXT003 game in Apolyton SMACX Tournament

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  • #61
    It was my fault, sorry for the delay! Sent 2123 to Fist now.


    • #62
      Turn is now onto Zso again.. so if its 3 days from now and you don't have your turn, fist....



      • #63
        2124 sent to Fist.

        TigToad, don't get your hopes up to get rid of me so easily...


        • #64
          Heh.. actually, I don't want to get rid of you, Zso. I'm honored to be playing you and fist, both of you are excellent players and I figure if I win I have major bragging rights, but if i lose, I get to learn something..not bad either way

          Tig (going to bed now..)


          • #65
            Turn to TT (who if not the first will be the second to meet his fate )


            • #66
              Turn is back to Zso...



              • #67
                2125 to Fist.

                If TigToad is second, then who will be the first, you Fist ?


                • #68
                  Turn to TT.
                  Zso, of course! I'm awaiting that moment impatiently. Kill me! Kill me now!


                  • #69
                    Ok folks... the Gaians are proud to announce the completion of the Empathy Guild.

                    Now, its an amazing little project, tells me an awful lot. How many cities everyone has, of what size, and exactly what techs everyone has. I can see now, the honesty factor of this game has been slightly slanted.

                    Anyway, its good for everyone to know, that information is a valuable commodity. In exchange for tech, credits, empty promises... I can provide information about human and projenitor factions... or NOT provide information about human or progenitors..grin.

                    Turn is onto Zso. I learned a lot this turn, hope you all did, too.

                    TigToad of the Gaians.


                    • #70
                      2126 to Fist.

                      Congratulations TigToad! Now you can see when you have to be very afraid...


                      • #71
                        Turn 2126 to the lurker .


                        • #72
                          Turn is back to Zso again...


                          • #73
                            I was very afraid Zso, the first turn of the game.. I've had a couple bad breaks and lousy pod popping. But, its still fun, at least I did get the Empath Guild, which was nice, because it was the first time this game that an effort to do something and succeeded.

                            Question for you, Zso.. since its something you know anyway, I don't feel guilty about asking. (IE if we weren't playing you, I wouldn't ask) which progenitor is north and which one is south?)


                            • #74
                              Ok..turn is yet again onto Zso.

                              On another note... I wanted you both to know I've enjoyed this game thoroughly and even tho I'm not likely to be on as good of terms with one or both of you come 10-15 more turns, I'm enjoying this greatly as the fun _game_ that it is. Hope y'all feel that way when my gaian native life is taking your capitals


                              • #75
                                2128 to Fist.

                                You are right TigToad, this is just a game. Therefore nobody should take it personally, if I wipe out their army with my elite chaos copters...


