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Apolyton 2000 Alpha Centauri PBEM Tournament

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  • Apolyton 2000 Alpha Centauri PBEM Tournament

    There are two separate tournaments, one for plain (vanilla) SMAC and one for the Alien Crossfire expansion.
    The maps are equivalent in the two tournament, and both are played out through 3 human player games. This is the main administration and scoring thread for the tournament,
    please do not post here! If you would like to join the tournament, post to the anouncement thread, or email zsozso

    Each game will have a separate thread for turn administration. Games will progress parallel, players may participate in several games at the same time. The tournament does not have a fix time-table. New players can join any time.

    Game options:
    • All victory conditions are allowed except cooperative
    • Do or Die: eliminated players are not restarted
    • Spoils of War OFF - changed by majority vote!
    • non-Blind (directed) research
    • NO random events
    • Difficulty: Librarian

    Start conditions:
    • Headquarters established with Children's Creche, Recycling Tanks, Perimeter Defense and Network Node.
    • All level 1 technologies are known to every faction
    • 200 starting energy credits, except Morgan has 400.
    • Each faction starts with 5 independent scouts, 5 formers and 5 colony pods.
    • Map is fixed, well balanced and known to everyone including starting locations. (see below)

    PBEM specific rules/restrictions on exploiting bugs:
    • Multiple reloading of the game to try for diffrent effects is forbidden.
    • Multiple drops or orbital insertions using the right-click menu is forbidden.
    • If a player employs a tactic that causes a state of vendetta, they are not allowed to "accept" a pending diplomatic agreement with that faction.
    • If a probe team action is employed against a Treatied or Pacted faction, the initiator must choose the "Declare Vendetta" option, unless permission is received in advance for the action (email).
    • Upgrading units with the design workshop is allowed at end of turn.
    • Communications between factions is allowed from the start. No restrictions.
    • Social engineering choice limited to one switch per line per turn. (no flip-flop within turn!)
    • Psi units cannot be assigned multiple point patrol routes (avoid instant demon boil bug!)
    • Each game is initiated by a CMN who is not participating in that particular game. The CMN assigns a unique password to each player, emails it to them and sends out the first turn to the first player. If a player is away/offline/unable to play for over 48 hours, he/she must notify the CMN and the other players of the game about this and request the game to be postponed for a fixed time period. Otherwise, if a player does not respond to the game turn within 48 hours (without prior notification and postponing of the game), then the CMN will enter the game in place of the player, obliterate all bases and disband all units of the player and send on the game to be played out between the remaining two players. If a second player drops out similarly, then the last player is automatically declared to be the winner of the game.
    • No base trading with the AI! (this applies to the SMACX games only, as the SMAC ones have no AI factions)

    Scoring system:

    A score table will be maintained which ranks the players according to the completed games. The primary ranking is based on the number of wins. For tie-breaking, a secondary ranking is applied based on the victory dates of the wins, the smaller sum is better, i.e. faster victory is worth more. If necessary, a third level ranking is used based on the Alpha Centauri Score.

    [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited February 03, 2000).]

  • #2
    Apolyton 2000 Alpha Centauri (v4) tournament players
    Player Email FactionsCP
    Blunderdog anyn1
    Budha ??? Morgan,Lal,Hive+0
    BustaMike any (no UoP)11
    Cedronian UoP,Gaians,Hive33
    DilithiumDad PK,Gaia,UoP,Hive11
    EdgeCrusher Spartans?1
    Garth Vader Hive,UoP,Gaian1
    Genaciv Hive,UoP,PK32
    Giodenti any(PK)n1
    Grigger UoP,Morgan,Sparta33
    Kinjiru PK,Gaia 33
    Korn469 any(Sparta,UoP,Hive,Morgan)22
    LTEC! UoP,Hive,PK,Gaia21
    MichaeltheGreat UoP,PK,Hive65
    Misotu UoP,Gaians,PKn1
    Myronides Hive,PK n1
    Navarro UoP,Sparta,PK11
    Pagan[Cyc] Gaia=Hive=UoP=Sparta33
    Paul UoP,PK,Morgan33
    Rasputine PK,UoP,Believer22
    RockVille Gaia,Morgan11
    Spekter Hive,Gaia,UoP11
    Symil UoP,PK,Gaian0
    Tau Ceti Gaia,UoP,PK,Morgan44
    TigToad Morgan,PK,Gaia11
    Zsozso Gaia,UoP,Sparta22

    Column C: number of concurrent game playing capacity (+ unlimited, n = newbie: 1 now, maybe more later)
    Column P: participation, i.e. how many games are played by the person currently

    The map/starting scenario (same map with different faction variations):
    Original for CMNs: http://CR190515-A.hnsn1.on.wave.home...CTournament.SC
    Gaia-Hive-PK: http://CR190515-A.hnsn1.on.wave.home...rnament-GHP.SC
    Gaia-UoP-Sparta: http://CR190515-A.hnsn1.on.wave.home...rnament-GUS.SC
    Hive-UoP-PK: http://CR190515-A.hnsn1.on.wave.home...rnament-HUP.SC
    Hive-Morgan-PK: http://CR190515-A.hnsn1.on.wave.home...rnament-HMP.SC
    UoP-Sparta-PK: http://CR190515-A.hnsn1.on.wave.home...rnament-USP.SC
    Gaia-Hive-UoP: http://CR190515-A.hnsn1.on.wave.home...rnament-GHU.SC
    UoP-Morgan-PK: http://CR190515-A.hnsn1.on.wave.home...rnament-UMP.SC
    All the above zipped: http://CR190515-A.hnsn1.on.wave.home...C/

    [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited February 21, 2000).]


    • #3
      Alpha Centauri (plain SMAC) games in progress:
      GameIDPlayer 1.Player 2.Player 3.
      ACT001RockVille, Gaia Tau Ceti, Hive Giodenti, PK
      ACT003Paul, UoP EdgeCrusher, Sparta Kinjiru, PK
      ACT004Garth Vader, Hive TigToad, Morgan Blunderdog, PK
      ACT005MichaeltheGreat, Hive Korn469, Spartans BustaMike, Peacekeepers
      ACT006Spekter, Hive Grigger, University Paul, Morgan
      ACT007Tau Ceti, Gaians Korn469, University Pagan[CyC], Sparta
      ACT008MichaeltheGreat, University Zsozso, Spartans Paul, Peacekeepers
      ACT009Cedronian, Gaians Pagan[CyC], Hive Zsozso, University
      ACT010Cedronian, University Tau Ceti, Morgan MichaeltheGreat, PK
      ACT011Myronides, Hive Misotu, University DinoDoc, PK
      ACT012DinoDoc, Hive Tau Ceti, University DilithiumDad, PK
      ACT013Pagan[Cyc], University Grigger, Morgan MichaeltheGreat, PK
      ACT014Genaciv, Hive Cedronian, University Rasputine, PK
      ACT015Rasputine, University Grigger, Sparta Tau Ceti, PK
      ACT016MichaeltheGreat, Hive Genaciv, University Navarro, Sparta

      [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited February 03, 2000).]


      • #4
        The Alien Crossfire version has the 2 progenitor factions played by the AI with strongly advantaged starting situation and specific strategy agenda to be aggressive against the human players and fight out the starting vendetta to the last man.

        Apolyton 2000 Alien Crossfire (v2) tournament players
        PlayerEmail FactionsCP
        Budha ??? Drone,Morgan,Lal+0
        BustaMike Pirate,Cyborg,Drone,Probe,Morgan11
        Cedronian Cyborg,Drone,Probe22
        Decx PK,UoP,Spartan n1
        any (no Cult or Probe)22
        EdgeCrusher Pirates?0
        Fistandantilus UoP11
        James anyn0
        Kinjiru Drones,Probe 33
        Lord Maxwell Morgan,UoP,PK33
        Misotu UoP,Gaians,PK10
        Myronides Hive,PK,Drone n0
        RockVille Gaia,Drone,Morgan,Pirate11
        Symil UoP,Probe,PK,Gaian0
        Tau Ceti Probe,Gaia,UoP,Cyborg,Drone22
        TigToad Cyborg,Drone,Gaia11
        Zsozso Cyborg,Gaia,UoP,Sparta,Probe22

        Column C: number of concurrent game playing capacity (+ unlimited, n = newbie: 1 now, maybe more later)
        Column P: participation, i.e. how many games are played by the person currently

        The map/starting scenario (same map with different faction variations):
        base-map for CMNs: http://CR190515-A.hnsn1.on.wave.home...XTournament.SC
        Cyborg-Pirate-Drone: http://CR190515-A.hnsn1.on.wave.home...rnament-CPD.SC
        Cyborg-PK-Drone: http://CR190515-A.hnsn1.on.wave.home...nament-CpkD.SC

        Cyborg-Hive-Drone: http://CR190515-A.hnsn1.on.wave.home...rnament-CHD.SC
        Hive-PK-Drone: http://CR190515-A.hnsn1.on.wave.home...rnament-HPD.SC

        [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited February 21, 2000).]


        • #5
          Alien Crossfire (SMAX) games in progress:
          GameIDPlayer 1.Player 2.Player 3.
          AXT001 Tau Ceti, Hive Decx, PK Kinjiru, Drones
          AXT002 DinoDoc, Cyborgs Lord Maxwell, University Kinjiru, Data Angels
          AXT003 Fistandantilus, University TigToad, Gaians Zsozso, Cyborgs
          AXT005 DinoDoc, Cyborg BustaMike, Pirate Cedronian, Drone
          AXT006 Cedronian, Cyborg Lord Maxwell, PK RockVille, Drone

          [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited February 01, 2000).]


          • #6
            Quick guide to CMN an Alien Crossfire tournament game:

            Download the basic scenario file:

            1. If desired faction is not in list, then reload faction (an unused human one)
            Note: Do not reuse the Cyborg slot, because that would cause
            capital naming and possibly other problems!
            2. Create units in same pattern as Cyborgs, plus an extra colony pod for the base
            3. turn off edit only mode (Ctrl-Shift-F10)
            4. Scenario menu -> Switch sides -> choose new faction
            5. Select central colony pod & press 'B'
            6. Edit base -> copy base facilities from Alpha Central (Cyborgs)
            7. Set nutrients = 20, increase population to 3.
            Note: If you increase the population before copying the base
            facilities, the workers will be located diffrently. Click on the base
            to re-optimise them, or assign them manually to the monolith and the 2
            forest squares.
            8. Change production to Colony Pod.
            9. If Cyborgs are not in game, then Scenario -> eliminate faction -> Cyborgs
            10. Repeat steps 1-8 for other two factions (copy from created new base instead of Alpha Prime)
            11. Go to the base of the first player faction, set Minerals=18, Nutrients=21
            12. Scenario -> set energy reserves -> first player faction -> set 203.
            13. Save the scenario to a new name (add faction starting letters at the end)
            14. Multiplayer -> Hotseat/play-by-email -> Multiplayer scenario -> choose faction specific scenario
            15. Choose first human faction, set player name
            16. Select Yes for another player, choose second human faction, set player name
            17. Select Yes for another player, choose third human faction, set player name
            18. Set password for first faction (then retype it)
            19. Click Turn Complete, yes end the turn.
            20. Set password for second faction (then retype it)
            21. Click Turn Complete, yes end the turn.
            22. Set password for third faction (then retype it)
            23. Click Turn Complete, yes end the turn.
            24. Save & Exit -> Use naming system AXT{number}-{faction}-2101.SAV -> email this to first player
            25. Email the passwords to the other two players
            26. Start up turn-administration thread

            Note: Step 12 is necessary, because the first player will not accumulate minerals, food and energy in the 2100 CMN-turn, but the other will. So this step compensates for that difference.
            The procedure is very similar for plain SMAC game too, you just need to start from step 9 to eliminate unused faction(s).

            Of course, if there is already a scenario listed above with the exact same factions as you need, then it is even easier, you can start from step 14.

            [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 25, 2000).]


            • #7
              [This message has been edited by Grigger (edited January 19, 2000).]


              • #8
                Alien Crossfire (SMAX) games in preparation:
                AXT004Tau Ceti Lord Maxwell, Morgan Zsozso

                [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited February 01, 2000).]


                • #9
                  Request to the first players of each active game:

                  Please, send me an email note at every 10 turns (when the MY. is the multiple of 10, e.g. 2110, 2120, ...) with the information who is leading in the game, i.e. which player is reported "Overall best" by the information window in the game.

                  In the Crossfire games (AXTnnn), it is possible and quite
                  likely (at least for the early game phase), that the AI played progenitors will show up
                  as overall best. In this case, please try to figure out from the power bars and graph
                  which human player is the best (but also report the fact, that the AI is better!).

                  I will use this information to post some progress reports on the games, i.e. mission year and leader in the "games in progress" table. Just to make it more fun and see how everybody is progressing - otherwise we would have to wait a long time to get some feedback when games are getting completed.


                  [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited January 31, 2000).]


                  • #10
                    List of game leaders according to status reports from the tournament games at MY.2110:

                    ACT003: Kinjiru, Peacekeepers.
                    ACT004: Garth Vader, Hive
                    ACT007: Provost Korn469, University.
                    ACT008: MichaeltheGreat, University.
                    ACT009: Zsozso, University.
                    ACT011: Misotu, University.
                    ACT013: Pagan[CyC], University.
                    ACT015: Grigger, Sparta.

                    AXT003: 1.Caretakers(AI), 2.Usurpers(AI), 3-4.tie: University (Fistandantilus) & Cyborgs (Zsozso)

                    [This message has been edited by zsozso (edited February 21, 2000).]


                    • #11
                      List of game leaders according to status reports from the tournament games at MY.2120:

                      ACT004: Blunderdog, PK
                      ACT008: MichaeltheGreat, University.
                      ACT009: Zsozso, University.

                      AXT003: 1. Caretakers(AI), 2. Usurpers(AI), 3. University (Fistandantilus)


                      • #12
                        List of game leaders according to status reports from the tournament games at MY.2130:

                        ACT004: Blunderdog, PK
                        ACT009: Zsozso, University.

                        AXT003: 1. Caretakers(AI), 2. University (Fistandantilus)


