I would like to invite anyone with a high speed internet connection to join me in a simultaneous turns SMACX v2 game. We could play for maybe an hour or two every couple of days, and I'm sure it would go way faster than a PBEM game. I already have one friend who wants in, everyone else is welcome to join.
BTW... I'm pretty sure that I'm a really good player, but I have not really had a challenge yet. I've been beating the crap out of all the players that go to alphahq.net to play. That's why I'm posting here. It would be great fun to get crushed by a great player and learn from them.
If you are interested give me an email - wordtoyourmother@hotmail.com. I would be happy to host the game. I have a static IP, a T3 connection, and a really kick ass computer (K7 550, 192 RAM) so there shouldn't be any problems.
[This message has been edited by BustaMike (edited January 16, 2000).]
BTW... I'm pretty sure that I'm a really good player, but I have not really had a challenge yet. I've been beating the crap out of all the players that go to alphahq.net to play. That's why I'm posting here. It would be great fun to get crushed by a great player and learn from them.
If you are interested give me an email - wordtoyourmother@hotmail.com. I would be happy to host the game. I have a static IP, a T3 connection, and a really kick ass computer (K7 550, 192 RAM) so there shouldn't be any problems.
[This message has been edited by BustaMike (edited January 16, 2000).]