2182 TLB >> 2183 Univ (Nell)
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micje's Challenge turns - part 2
Gaian Impact squad approaching city boundaries sir. Send out our Recon Rover, we're outgunned but they have little defenses, maybe luck will be with us.
Battle report:
Gaian Impact Squad is Toast!
PK Scout on southern front sighted.
Notify the Recon Rover in the area.
Battle report:
PK Scout is Toast!
Morgan is at least temporarily winning a two front war Muwhahahaha....
Turn to Aredhran and the Spartans. Hey Feldmarshall, thanks for those primers on how to shoot straight.
2183 TLB >> 2184 Univ (Nell)
Why attack a garrisoned base?
To be a sitting duck to the counterattack?
Lure the offensive units out of the base, and "persuade" them with His word.
The new converts will be our front men against their former masters...
Praise His Name
(how generous will we be to give such an opportunity of redemption to the converts: to immolate themselves on the altar of battle)
I don't exactly know what I mean by that, but I mean it (Holden Caulfield)