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EREWHON turns - part 3

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  • #91
    2187 to Aredhran.
    Why did i bring this up ?
    Actually my sleep was horrible tonight. My poor cat is seriously sick, probably (rat) poisoned, so i did not sleep a lot. Explains the 84 typos in the 3 lines of diplomacy to JT, as well. I'm not kidding


    • #92
      Flo, sorry to hear about your cat. If it was your dog I probably wouldn't care.

      Anyway, 2188 sent.



      • #93
        turn complete and sent last night to Flo


        • #94
          2188 to the trigger-happy CEO

          Oggy is his old stupid catself, well 80% of his old self (lost 2 1/2 lbs). phew


          • #95
            The spy maniac Chairman should play with his cat instead of trying to probe Morgan Industries.

            Turn sent to Animus last night.

            CEO out


            • #96
              "We suggest to all that peace be sought with all vigor and each should respect the rights of the other."

              Lord Zod


              • #97
                2189 sent.


                • #98
                  2189 to Aredhran

                  Mario and Damien, have a great time in Muenchen. Hope to see you there next year


                  • #99
                    Turn sent to (for now) Governor Animus

                    CEO out


                    • The turn (2190) and election are in the Lord's hands.



                      • Lord Zod stood solemly on the dais and spoke in hushed tones.

                        "We were very deliberate in our considerations. Above all we sought to make a decision that would promote peace on Chiron. Our very good friend Chairman Flomise has proven himself to be a man of honor. We respect his restraint in the face of the recent unprovoked and unjustified attack on his foil, that we are convinced was simply engaged in a peaceful moonlight cruise".

                        Monica watched with distainful eyes, shaking her head once before she caught herself.

                        "The Gaian people have no interest in conflict and we must denounce the CEO for this dreadful action."

                        Zod looked like a man about to cry.

                        "Nevertheless, we feel tensions are such that it would be difficult for the Chairman to assume the role of Planetary Governorship. The Governor must be neutral and bears the primary responsibility for intervening in times of crisis.

                        Therefore, we continue to support Brother Animus and beseech him to spare no expense nor opportunity to resolve this issue in the name of Planetary Peace".

                        Zod sadly turned and exited the dais.

                        As they were leaving she whispered into his ear, "So, Animus came through?"

                        Zod smiled and patted her cheek. He leaned over and whispered back, "the fool paid through the nose, and thinks he got a bargin".

                        She snorted once, and then regained her composure.

                        Zod's security chief asked,"Where to Boss"?

                        "We are off to Mt. Planet for a holiday. Please see to the arrangements."

                        Monica wondered why she was stuck with a man who, with his pockets stuffed with credits, thought Mt. Planet the best venue for celebration.

                        In the shadows, the Hive agent watched without pity. Behind him, unseen, the Morganite hovered.

                        And time passed on Chiron.

                        The churn approaches..........


                        • 2190 to Aredhran. the churn arrived.


                          • That does not sound good, not at all.


                            • Preemptive simultaneous broadcast on all communication channels.

                              CMN Messenger Service has been asked to perform its duties in forwarding a message
                              "...for the CEO, who is busy with his war council...",
                              in which he intends
                              "...denouncing the despicable sneak attack and praying for worldwide economic sanctions against the Chairman."

                              The Service, being neutral, can't deny forwarding of the message as it is, abstaining from confirming or denying its contents in any way.

                              An issue about the legality of a move is being currently examined. Original statute and proceedings must be attentively parsed.
                              This could possibly, but, according to rumours, unlikely, lead to the replay of current turn.
                              The leaders will be informed ASAP, as the decision will get embedded in the games rules for the rest of it.

                              Considering the unavailability of the CEO during this workweek, I would advise to hold the play.

                              [This message has been edited by MariOne (edited September 20, 1999).]
                              I don't exactly know what I mean by that, but I mean it (Holden Caulfield)


                              • What the devil is going on? The suspense is killing me. Which churn arrived where?

                                To whom has what occured and when?

                                And how come?


                                If the CEO is unavailable, from whence did his statement eminate. And whose messenger service is being involved in the affairs of Chiron?

