testing...It seems to work, Marc.
No announcement yet.
BCFFA turns
Well, Wayne, at that time I was dreaming of blue rovers swarming my bases (not this game), not a tranquil sleep indeed.
It must have just been my ISP mail service heavily engulfed tho. This morning is pretty smooth: few compatriots get online b4 7AM.
2151 Morgan -> Sparta
I don't exactly know what I mean by that, but I mean it (Holden Caulfield)
ok i have a little prob here.
tim u sent me the lastest turn, but it was in
.zipt? i use winzip7.0 to extract zip files.
u been normally sending me .zip files not .zipt. i did e-mail u telling u about my prob., but i just upgraded my computer this week and one of the new upgrades is a hard drive. to make a long story short (trying anyway) i reinstalled
my mail server, but i didnt get my mail from the last 2 days so if u could send me the turn again that wood be great. Whew! :-)
sorry everyone 4 the delay.
HP (smacing himself for the untimely upgrade)