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micje's Challenge turns

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  • #31
    Turn sent to CMN

    Where is our New Believers' General ? Any candidates yet ?



    • #32
      Turn to Da CIO still known as Goob ... Ted S.


      • #33
        Yes I got up a half hour early and did my turns, am I getting sick or what...
        Turn to Aredhran, Happy Holiday!


        • #34
          Turn to CIO Goob ... Ted S.


          • #35
            Turn is sitting and waiting patiently like a good soldier for Feldmarshall Aredhran to take control.


            • #36
              Turn sent to the New Believer (I promise I'll use the proper title when it is made public !), cc to CMN

              Feldmarshall Aredhran


              • #37
                Shepherd MoSe, new spiritual leader of the True Believers, waits, sitting on the bank of the river... (no, not that one...) looking up to the skies from the balcony of his cathedral, a white dove bringing a red 'H' ern... a message from the Feldmarshall.

                Too bad we're in the same timezone but he can't play at the office (go figure...) and I can't send mails from home

                -I'm working around that: I got a cable with the right plug adapter, this week I'm buying a cheap 3comUS 56k modem, I'll have to find the time tho to redo from scratch my unstable home PC (how long does it take to format an 8.4Gb HDD?)

                [This message has been edited by MariOne (edited May 25, 1999).]
                I don't exactly know what I mean by that, but I mean it (Holden Caulfield)


                • #38
                  Hey, at least you've got 8.4 Gigs.. I only have 2 . Hell, maybe I should start a contest on the forums, to see if I indeed have the crappiest PC of all the SMAC players around !

                  Mario, you'll get the turn in your in-box tomorrow morning ! It's waiting for me at home (I know, I checked)

                  -Patience is the mother of all virtues
                  (But, everyone knows I'm not a patient person )


                  • #39
                    Playing so much with the Believers now, I maybe reexamine my agnostic real-life position...

                    I received a gift from a superior entity: a game turn to play!

                    I took me a bit more, I had to analyze my standings, and pass in review my devout followers.
                    Did you start from 2145 or before? Yin left me a bit lagging behind the pack, I'll have to catch up... (no, not 'Ketch up', this ain't not 'Pulp Fiction'...).

                    2156 TLB -> 2157 Univ

                    Shepherd MoSe
                    I don't exactly know what I mean by that, but I mean it (Holden Caulfield)


                    • #40
                      Shoot, once Nell gets back I'll be the sole obnoxious American amongst all you European types.

                      (Is it somewhat fitting then that I am playing Morgan? Hmmn I don't know if this SP will be useful or not, well I'll just buy it anyway, and put it up on the mantle or mount it on the wall, it'll look nice there... )

                      [This message has been edited by Goob (edited May 26, 1999).]


                      • #41
                        Right now it might be more appropriate for the U.S. to be represented by Sparta what with the bombing and all.

                        Turn Complete and on to the soon-to-be-lone-American, CIO Goob ... Ted S.


                        • #42
                          Would that be Sparta or the Hive and "Chairman Clintang"


                          • #43
                            Oh Swift One, will you be able to get this passed on to the good MoSe so he can play today?


                            Turn to Aredhran


                            • #44
                              Too late.
                              Hmmm..., I shouldn't linger at the office today, but if Damien rushes ome soon to play, I could be waiting, patiently and eagerly. He should clearly state a time by which he can surely send, tho.

                              Shepherd MoSe

                              - ...or he could get the habit to play his turn before he goes to work, in the morning... I usually did my home-cycling (winter) or jogging (summer) from 6AM to 7AM, wonderful start for a day...
                              I don't exactly know what I mean by that, but I mean it (Holden Caulfield)


                              • #45
                                Yeah yeah yeah. "The early bird catches the ****ing worm". It's just next to impossible to wake up in the morning, I have a hard time getting to work before 9 already (maybe that has something to do with my SMACing in the middle of the night)

                                Anyway. I can't. Really. Getting up is just too much already, and I'm not fully operational before 10 no matter what (and I hate the taste of coffee too )

                                I *can* try to get home early though, but that depends on work, like I explained to our dear Milanese friend by e-mail.


