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  • EREWHON turns

    Erewhon challenge has begun.
    In MY 2130 the first turn was sent to Lord Zod of the Gaians,
    Tuesday May 4th at 17:54 GMT.

    The passwords have been subsequently sent to the other three players.

    CMN Ace

    [This message has been edited by MariOne (edited May 04, 1999).]
    I don't exactly know what I mean by that, but I mean it (Holden Caulfield)

  • #2
    Turn Complete

    I had a hell of a time with this, when I saved the turn, I lost it, found it, zipped it (I think, this was my first zip as I only downloaded winzip tonight) and then I hope, sent it.

    I need help on what to do after I press save and exit at the end of my turn. Should I just click okay and if so where will it go. I tried to put it in the "saves" dir but could not find it there....

    Anyway thanks for the shard hovertank, this was a nice "newbie" bonus.....

    Also, I had a night meeting and was 5 hours late getting home - you can expect me to turn much quicker in the future. I would love to find a way to do two turns a day.

    Feel free to e-mail-hell me if I mucked it up.

    Lord Zod
    One with Planet


    • #3
      The e-mail came back, well of course, or should I say, par for the course.

      I sent it out again. Please let me know if not received. I shall perhaps stay up all night if necessary.......

      Lord Zod
      One with Planet


      • #4
        Lord Zod,

        When you click "End Turn", the next player's name shows up at which point you click Save&Exit.

        By default, the saved game will retain the previous name, and will be written in the SMAC main directory (F:\SMAC for me). If you wish to save it somewhere else, just select the appropriate directory (I have one called PBEM under the Saves directory). Remember to change the file name per MoSe's guidelines.

        Then, use WinZip to compress the save like I explained to you by e-mail, right click on the ZIP file, select "Send To / Mail Recipient", enter the e-mail address and send your message.

        E-mail me if you have more questions


        • #5
          Tough start for Morgan Industries...

          Short on cash, almost nothing to do, the whole turn took about 30 seconds

          Come on, guys, be quick so I can play again...

          Savegame sent to Darkstar.



          • #6
            I received my turn. It was done. Early game is like that.

            I sent it to Lord Zod and MariOne...

            ... And its bouncing off your address MariOne. Just replying to the email you sent me with nothing in it is bouncing. How am I to mail you my turn??? Got an alternate that I can send it to???

            (Hoping the turn reaches Zod, at least...)
            (Knight Errant Of Spam)


            • #7
              "I can confirm that the earthquake was triggered by our attempts to recover a Unity Pod. There is no truth to the rumor, however, that our infrastructure was damaged ..."

              Lord Zod
              -excerpt from the Gaian Daily Planet, 2131

              Turn Complete


              • #8
                Darkstar, I received your other e-mails so far, this is the first to fail.
                I regularly receive mails with savefiles (wether zipped or not) from other SMACers.
                Try again... I've got no "private" alternates.

                Let's keep this thread for turn tracking and management purposes.
                I'm a disaster as a creative writer.
                I'll make an effort and will create a "On the road to Erewhon" thread.
                Here in Apolyton.
                Up to you to fill it.

                CMN Ace
                I don't exactly know what I mean by that, but I mean it (Holden Caulfield)


                • #9
                  MY 2131 turn sent to Brother Darkstar of the Peacekeepers


                  PS: One turn per day... This is great ! Keep it up, guys !

                  [This message has been edited by Aredhran (edited May 06, 1999).]


                  • #10
                    Turn 2132 Complete. Sent to CMN and Lord Zod.
                    (Knight Errant Of Spam)


                    • #11
                      Turn Complete

                      This one came in late so I did it this morning. Generally, however, if turns come in after midnight I will not around until after 5pm the next day. That would be at least a 17hr delay. I hope our play windows are staggered enough that we won't see this happen often.

                      This was around a 10 hour delay. Oh well....


                      • #12
                        MY 2132 turn sent to Brother Darkstar of the Peacekeepers

                        6.30 am in GVA,
                        Half-drunk Aredhran
                        Time to get some sleep


                        • #13
                          Actually Darkstar is in Alabama, so he is 1 hour behind you, jimmytrick.
                          You should arrange with him, if he can he sends you before your midnight (his 11PM) or whenever you shutdown, allowing for eventual e-mail delay.

                          CMN Ace

                          Since wednesday I didn't get any mail or see any posts from Meister Weizenkeim. He played his turn anyway.
                          I don't exactly know what I mean by that, but I mean it (Holden Caulfield)


                          • #14
                            2133 Turn Sent to Lord Zord.

                            I presume the game is marked cheated due to CMNing/scenario editting...

                            (Knight Errant Of Spam)

                            (Knight Errant Of Spam)


                            • #15
                              Turn Complete

                              I wrote Flomeise's e-mail on a sticky note as weinerf instead of wienerf. This just might explain why I have had trouble sending the turns!

                              It is now 4:16am here, woke up from sound sleep because of dialog popup box in dream. SMACed silly.......thought I might as well get up and finish a turn......goodnight.

                              Hey its Saturday lets do two turns....but alas, it is not to be as A RED H RAN DRUNK and will be asleep for hours..

