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Interested in PBEM: Life Is Only A Game...

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  • #16
    Ensure the first thing in the queue is a stockpile energy.
    When production is completed, one Stockpile is executed - gaining you some energy.
    Your carried minerals are still good to go.


    • #17
      Well - based on the feedback I'll go ahead and set this up - so if your voice hasn't been heard yet .......... tant pis as the French would say

      Enigma_Nova: what do you want your uni free tech to be (in scenario'd starts when I use the first turn to found the AI bases and edit them, and set passwords, it prompts me for the Uni's free tech). PM me or e-mail me to googlie at canada dot com



      • #18
        Almost set to go (E_N - I think I have a workaround re the free tech glitch, so I'll leave it for you to select - note that your base must be founded first, that's why you won't see the selection as soon as you open the screen)

        And if any of you have a favorite password that's near and dear to your heart, e-mail it to me now, else you'll have to live with the one I assign to you

        googlie at canada dot com

        (In any event, please e-mail me something - anything - to there so that I have your e-mail addy on file)

        Googlie (enjoying the playtesting right now)


        • #19
          You have my email right Googlie?
          Play hangman.


          • #20
            Correct. I also have DetriusXii's from his early post to this thread. It's really just AndiD's and Enigma_Nova's that I need.


            • #21
              Send everything SMAC related please to smac (at) andreas-drechsler (dot) de

              Is it the alphax.txt out of the box or do you use a "special" one?


              • #22
                Apart from some new units (which get imported in the .sav that I first send out, it's standard)

                the units are:

                Cruiser Probe, Cruiser, Probe Team, Scout, 11, 0, 0, DocInit, -1, 00000000000000000000000000
                Foil Supply, Foil, Supply, Scout, 10, 0, 0, AdapDoc, -1, 00000000000000000000000000
                Unity Submersible, Foil, Impact, Scout, 0, 0, 0, Disable, -1, 00000000000000000001000000
                XX Missile, Missile, Conventional, Scout, 0, 0, 0, Orbital, 8, 00000100000000000000000000

                (The AI will build these - cruiser probe, trawler, submarine and a nervegas missile)



                • #23
                  Hmm, the unity submersable, I take it thats only as part of the unity wreckage landmark?
                  Play hangman.


                  • #24
                    Googlie: Before I tell you my first tech, I need to know how you started this scenario.

                    Did you generate a random map game, then erase/remodel the map?
                    Did you CREATE NEW SCENARIO and Shift-F2 (force breakthrough) the techs?
                    Did you CREATE NEW SCENARIO and Ctrl-F2 (Big ass tech list) the techs?

                    My e-mail is rigged not to allow Hotmail, Yahoo, MSN or AOL to be sent to my address,
                    so I'll set up another e-mail account for anyone who wants to e-mail me.


                    I take it the Alphax.txt will be modded if we're using these ALT units. I'll install SMAX, and DL the Alphax.txt you provide.
                    (Saves me making a typo and having a Probe missile instead of an X missile)


                    • #25
                      Tech choices:
                      Generate Custom Game --> CTRL-K opening:
                      Beeline goes:
                      CentEco <-- first tech

                      Create Scenario --> InfNets researched (Shift-F2)
                      Beeline goes:
                      CentEco <-- first tech

                      Create Scenario --> Assign Infnets (Ctrl-F2)
                      Beeline goes:
                      IB <-- first tech

                      Or, tell me what tech choices I have available when you're forced to assign the first tech choice, and I'll take it from there.
                      There'll be a reload on my first turn as I observe what tech choices I have, am forced to pick a tech,
                      then I open a Scen. Editor and find out what beelines I have available.

                      As for my password?
                      I'm e-mailing now.


                      • #26
                        Sequence was (not using hotkeys):

                        > hit "scenario" then "create scenario"
                        > hit "edit map" (left hand menu)
                        > clear map to "all ocean" and set size
                        > set climate & world parameters
                        > create random map
                        > tinker with map to make it more interesting - change locations of landmarks as needed, etc. Prepare start positions.
                        > toggle "scenario" (left hand menu) and "edit technology" - toggle techs for factions (just infonets for the UoP - you'll get to choose your own free tech)
                        > place colony pods and other units in planned locations
                        > set SE choices (ie, "reset all factions" , check energy reserves, mission year, and difficulty level
                        > sequentially take control of factions and prototype what needs to be prototyped (eg synthmetal sentry for Morgan, rover chassis for Sparta, foils for Pirates, etc)
                        > Disable Empath Guild (set to "destroyed" thru an AI base edit
                        > Go out of Scenario editor and into game to establish bases for Pirates, Angels and PK's (2 bases each with 1 pop each)
                        > Edit AI's faction diplomacy, personality and strategy
                        > Set custom rules as agreed beforehand
                        > Edit Scenario rules (only one that needs doing is "force current difficulty level" - that gets everyone playing at the same level, otherwise only the first player actually plays that level, all others (human, that is) default to Librarian. This affects SE change costs, drones, etc
                        > Save scenario, open as MP and playtest, go back in and edit as required (which I did. I had inadvertently overpowered one of the AI's - so I flipped a couple of landmarks and made it harder for the AI to get to the player before the player had built a half-decent defense corps)

                        So the map you've got, while randomly generated, has a few tweaks that I normally employ. It'll end up prolly nearer to the 50% water coverage than the 70%, as I mainly add land rather than delete it to balance the factions workable territory.

                        The AI has a few tweaks - some extra energy comes their way via forested tiles on nearby riverbeds, etc - that sort of thing

                        The AI's diplomacy will give each of you a potential ally, a likely protagonist and someone who's fairly neutral - which means that they'll go as your SE choices go. The AI will talk and trade with each other, however.

                        And you don't need to change your alphax.txt - unless for nervegas missiles. The #UNITS changes are there mainly for the AI (which builds them if they are in that list). You've always been able to build probe cruisers, foil supply ships and submarines

                        When I have the passwords for the others I'll get it out - or if i haven't heard from everyone by midnight Pacific Standard time they'll get my imposed passwords



                        • #27
                          My first tech is IB, then.
                          Drat, no early formers. Oh well - win some, lose some.


                          • #28
                            Hmm - in my 3 (so far) playtests I've been able to select cent ecol as the Uni's free tech

                            (BTW, I like your password !!)



                            • #29
                              You -could-, but I wouldn't have a clear run to IA if you did that.
                              Yeah, my password is the greatest, isn't it?


                              • #30
                                Well - we're off !!

                                Life is only a Game

                                This is a SMAX game on a large, custom built map, 50% to 70% water, average everything.

                                Transcend level

                                Players in turn order are:

                                Enigma_Nova (University -
                                AndiD (Morgan - xoxoxsmac@andreas-drechsler.dexoxox)
                                DetriusXii (Sparta - xoxoxajelovic2@yahoo.comxoxox)
                                Chaunk (Believers - xoxoxmj_blakemore@uk2.netxoxox)

                                The AI in this game are:


                                Customized rules are:

                                Passwords have been sent to all, and the first turn for Enigma_Nova is here

                                Good luck to all


