Waterworld Scenario
Not a single land tile is on Chiron in 2101 when UNS "Unity" arrives to Alpha Centuri star system. Factions must adapt to this conditions and with luck they can develop technologies allowing for creating dry land.
Pirates ChairmanSlick xxsgtslick_aus@hotmail.com
University Arcainite xxArcainite@aol.com
Hive AI
Gaians Obstructor xxobstructor@inet.hr
Morganities Hercules xxcathal.mullaghan@ntlworld.com
Peacekeepers Mart xxmarcin777@hotmail.com
Since we play a scenario without CMN, starting locations are known to everyone. We can send passwords maybe to someone later in order to have them secured.
I attached scenario folder with actual scenario file and alphax.txt
Please confirm your emails....
I generated first turn for ChairmanSlick, waiting for his email, so I can mail it to him.
Good swimming factions
Not a single land tile is on Chiron in 2101 when UNS "Unity" arrives to Alpha Centuri star system. Factions must adapt to this conditions and with luck they can develop technologies allowing for creating dry land.
Pirates ChairmanSlick xxsgtslick_aus@hotmail.com
University Arcainite xxArcainite@aol.com
Hive AI
Gaians Obstructor xxobstructor@inet.hr
Morganities Hercules xxcathal.mullaghan@ntlworld.com
Peacekeepers Mart xxmarcin777@hotmail.com
Since we play a scenario without CMN, starting locations are known to everyone. We can send passwords maybe to someone later in order to have them secured.
I attached scenario folder with actual scenario file and alphax.txt
Please confirm your emails....
I generated first turn for ChairmanSlick, waiting for his email, so I can mail it to him.
Good swimming factions
