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New (and eager) SMAX multiplayer here

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  • #31
    I just downloaded my own fac It reverted back to hive graphics. It's realy supposed to be gaian . Oh well.

    I pretty much want average everything. Only exceptions are mid-high diff (like talent or librarian), and large/huge map. Maybe heavy cloudcover too.


    • #32
      Originally posted by mart7x5
      I have just edited the preferrence table, once again. please see it.

      - CMN is Coordinator, Moderator, Narrator. I'll post for someone to volunteer.

      - I propose as the seventh faction - Cult of Planet or Free Drones, accordingly to what you Almostz decide. Please all players tell your prefferences as for possible other factions also.

      - As there is going to be 6 human players, difficulty setting has less influence compared to games with more AI factions. Too low diff. setting will make it really easy prey, if that fac will not be enhanced, but who knows.....
      OK, I am volunteering to be the CMN for this game. From my viewpoint it is becoming clear that this is shaping up to be a Beginners type game, which I have experience in setting up, and have no problem setting up from my end. To get a better feel for what each of you want/ expect from this game, as well as letting me know what each of your personal skill levels are, please PM me with the above specified information (otherwise, I will assign accordingly). I will be reviewing the 2 custom Factions, and providing feedback for discussion by Sunday my time (GMT -5). It can then be decided from there how to proceed.

      The 7th Faction I would like to call dibs on, meaning I would like to choose this Faction myself: please entrust this option to me.

      The Difficulty Level I leave to you: just let me know what you want. Personally, with only one AI playing against 6 humans, setting this lone AI to Transcend should not prove too difficult to handle, IMO.



      • #33
        Well, truthfully, my skill levels not all that high. I have yet to master many things, though i'm not horrible. On a scale of 1 to 10, i'd probably rate about a 4. I've played games on the first 5 diffs.

        my expectations? I just want a fun, not too serious game.

        Oh and, i'm fine with you picking the 7th faction. I'm also fine with a high difficulty.

        Oh on a side note, that scenario you linked to earlier is great. The new 8th faction are evil bastids though


        • #34
          Originally posted by Sankis
          Well, truthfully, my skill levels not all that high. I have yet to master many things, though i'm not horrible....
          Playing against human players is like having unchangeble difficulty level. You play against someone who has already "defined" skills. Between Talent or Transcend difficulty level there is then really little difference. I am not sure, but maybe some game chance rolls may depend on the difficulty, but that is not so much important.
          I have seen some good strategy tips on the net, maybe linking to them will allow all players in this game to either recall some good tips or enhance playing skills. PBEM usually last very long time, so there will be plenty to read a few of internet articles.
          Map creation contest
          WPC SMAC(X) Democracy Game - Morganities aspire to dominate Planet


          • #35
            ok, I'll be the Drones.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Sankis
              Oh on a side note, that scenario you linked to earlier is great. The new 8th faction are evil bastids though
              Thanx for the compliment! And yes, the 8th Faction that resides in my Beta Lyrae mod are a nice change of pace from the regular MW's. IoD's, Locusts, etc.. It gets really interesting when the naval units start capturing your seafaring vessels, and turn them back against you!



              • #37
                Originally posted by mart7x5
                I have seen some good strategy tips on the net, maybe linking to them will allow all players in this game to either recall some good tips or enhance playing skills.
                Here is a link to the SMAC Academy, which has many good articles to assist in ramping up a players skills for PBEM'ing. FYI.



                • #38
                  I'm thinking of being some sort of alien faction, this means my total bonuses will be higher then +1 for the simple facts 1) I don't have commerce 2) Can't become govt 3) I can get gassed easily 4) It's going to be a low research faction (they consume and steal and on a large map it might be awhile before i find something edible )
                  Learn to overcome the crass demands of flesh and bone, for they warp the matrix through which we perceive the world. Extend your awareness outward, beyond the self of body, to embrace the self of group and the self of humanity. The goals of the group and the greater race are transcendant, and to embrace them is to acheive enlightenment.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Lazerus
                    I'm thinking of being some sort of alien faction, this means 3) I can get gassed easily
                    Putting the words "gas" and "Lazurus" in the same sentence suddenly makes me feel very nauseous, and to start twitching uncontrollably......
                    Can you either post the Faction specifics here, or E-Mail me the files so I can review?



                    • #40
                      Being the aliens im allowed to gas back and not suffer any negative ecology effects right ?
                      Can't remember if the rule works both ways.

                      If i am ... cool

                      Gonna look for some graphics to go with it after ive been to get my hair cut, look my best for tonight
                      Learn to overcome the crass demands of flesh and bone, for they warp the matrix through which we perceive the world. Extend your awareness outward, beyond the self of body, to embrace the self of group and the self of humanity. The goals of the group and the greater race are transcendant, and to embrace them is to acheive enlightenment.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Lazerus
                        Being the aliens im allowed to gas back and not suffer any negative ecology effects right ?
                        Can't remember if the rule works both ways.
                        I am pretty sure you are correct, but you should propbably play an SP with your Faction first, just to make sure.
                        As I stated earlier, why I have been assessing the 2 custom Factions that people are proposing being played in this one. Here is the breakdown of Lazurus' "Species" faction:

                        ^+2 GROWTH: {Convert matter for their own use}
                        ^+3 INDUSTRY: {One worker spawns many}
                        ^-2 RESEARCH: {Workers have no sentient thought}
                        ^-3 ECONOMY: {Hive mind does not recognise wealth as a need}
                        ^Free CHILDRENS CRECHE at every base
                        ^Can steal tech when conquering base
                        ^Units immune to mond control {Unable to penetrate Hive minds grip on machines}
                        ^Gain tech known to 2 others {Hive mind infiltrates networks with ease}
                        ^"Energy Grid" at each base: {Increased infrastructure generates additional energy}
                        ^Begin game with a Mk I Battle Ogre and extra Colony Pod
                        ^Possess a physical scan of Planet's surface
                        ^{May not choose Free Market economics or Democracy}
                        TECH: {Progenitor Psych, Centauri Ecology, Field Modulation, Information Networks, Biogenetics}

                        Playing around with the Social Engineering chart, I set up a Police/ Green/ Knowledge scenario which gave the following:

                        -3 Economy
                        +1 Efficiency
                        +2 Police
                        +2 Planet
                        -2 Probe
                        +5 Industry
                        Research at normal rate

                        Darsnan's assessment: with already having Biogenetics as a starting tech, I would immediately start building the HGP in this game, and with a +3 initial Industry rating, there is a good chance I could build it. This, coupled with the PDL effect, will help immensely to offset the initial -2 Research rating. From there I would switch to Police, and once I get a free Childern's Creche at each base, coupled with a +2 Growth, +2 Police, and +5 Industry I'm going to crank out crawlers like mad to overcome the -3 Economy (along with lots of free scouts to pod lots of EC's). Once Efficiency starts to become a significant issue, I switch to Green, and all of my scouts out in the field start capturing native lifeforms like mad. Upgrading all of my Scouts and Rovers to Best Weapon/1/1 then almost immediately gives me a huge potent army in someones back yard, that can't be Probed away because of their Probe Immunity, so the first thing I build (with my +5 Industry rating) at each conquered base is a cheap 0/1/1 Probe Team, and I am on my way.
                        Essentially this is a huge Momentum oriented Faction, whose negatives can relatively easily be circumnavigated. I would recommend that this Faction not be used in this game, but I will leave it to the group to decide.

                        I will assess the other custom Faction later today - got things to do right now.



                        • #42
                          Since when do either police/green/knowledge give +2 industry ?
                          You're thinking of support.

                          For some reason steal tech when conquer base ain't working in single player games for me with this, could you test that for me ?
                          The faction basically players as a mix of Drones/aliens with the downside i can't run demo or FM for that energy income

                          And if you can research at normal rate show me before we start I don't particularly play with big bases and having -2 energy at each base is exactly what i'm going to need to even get the smallest amount of energy going to labs.

                          Yes its early army will be strong and very large, but look at the map size, whats the chances of me getting to use it ?
                          Last edited by Lazerus; February 15, 2004, 10:49.
                          Learn to overcome the crass demands of flesh and bone, for they warp the matrix through which we perceive the world. Extend your awareness outward, beyond the self of body, to embrace the self of group and the self of humanity. The goals of the group and the greater race are transcendant, and to embrace them is to acheive enlightenment.


                          • #43
                            also it doesn't start with information networks, i must have forgotten to remove that from the datalinks.

                            cent eco - consume environment
                            biogentics - tanks for recycling
                            Felt they went best with the theme.

                            ps, whats the PDL anyways ? ... thats a new abbrev i aint seen before
                            Learn to overcome the crass demands of flesh and bone, for they warp the matrix through which we perceive the world. Extend your awareness outward, beyond the self of body, to embrace the self of group and the self of humanity. The goals of the group and the greater race are transcendant, and to embrace them is to acheive enlightenment.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Lazerus
                              Since when do either police/green/knowledge give +2 industry ?
                              You're thinking of support.
                              Thats what I get for trying to do something relatively cereberal at 6am local. Sorry about that.
                              Regardless, I do feel that under the circumstances this Faction is a little too aggresive for a game where there are several new PBEM players, and it is my still my recommendation that this Faction not be used. However, as I have already installed it on my computer to scope it out, why if the group doesn't mind playing with it, then I won't stand in its was in being included in the game.

                              btw: PDL stands for Planetary Datalinks. FYI.

                              I'll see about looking at the other custom Faction now, then give my opinion on that one as well. From there you guys decide, and I will proceed accordingly.



                              • #45
                                I agree that the custom alien faction is too strong for this game.. just wouldn't fit in for a mostly newbie game

