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2 Players wanted to join Googlie, Minute Mirage and Hercules ...........

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  • #16
    Interesting 'scenario", D !!

    I'd go along with a draw if the battle fleet is summoned,

    I'd also advance ODP's to Spaceflight (rather than Self-Aware Machines) to allow for defence against PB's at the same time as they can be built (presumably the Prog factions have a few prebuilt in orbit??)

    And it might be neat to play this one on an Earth map?



    • #17
      Originally posted by Googlie
      I'd go along with a draw if the battle fleet is summoned,

      I'd also advance ODP's to Spaceflight (rather than Self-Aware Machines) to allow for defence against PB's at the same time as they can be built (presumably the Prog factions have a few prebuilt in orbit??)

      And it might be neat to play this one on an Earth map?

      I'd vote against the Earth Map, personally, as I am planning on building two Citadels, to ensure that the Aliens are not easy targets for you humans. As for the Aliens beginning with ODP's - theoretically, since the Aliens are both at war with each other, they would simpy attack each other with these. However, from playtesting my old "King of the Hill" Challenge, why the AI's will build OPD's, so I anticipate that if they get the appropriate tech, they will build them.
      ODP's to Spaceflight I believe I can do - never tried this before, but the idea of making the satelites an integral part of a game (for once!) was just too much of a temptation to resist! I'll make the other satelites available sooner, assuming these attributes get imprinted upon the Scenario, and are not a local phenom.
      I'll let you know in about 10 days, or Googlie, if you want, since you probably can test the idea, can you see if this attribute gets imprinted upon a Scenario/ PBEM?



      • #18
        We should probably make a decision regarding blind research and tech stagnation. I would really like to play with directed research, but as a compromise I would be willing to accept tech stagnation.


        • #19
          That sounds reasonable Directed research and Tech Stagnation.
          On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


          • #20
            Tech stagnation should help the AI somewhat, as the alien's research accumulates via facilites built, plus multipliers - longer time between human tech researches means more time for the aliens to build their facilities ..........

            And, D, I believe that the prereqs in the scenario-creator's alphax.txt govern all players (so setting ODPs to Orbital Spaceflight should permeate all players) - I'll test that though (I have smac/x on both my partitioned drives, so can test one against the other)

            ........... (I presume that was the implied question?).............



            • #21
              Originally posted by Googlie
              And, D, I believe that the prereqs in the scenario-creator's alphax.txt govern all players (so setting ODPs to Orbital Spaceflight should permeate all players) - I'll test that though (I have smac/x on both my partitioned drives, so can test one against the other)

              ........... (I presume that was the implied question?).............

              I think it does too, but if you could just verify that, it'd help out!

              Also, do you think having the 30 tile ICBM nuke in this game would be a good thing, or bad? I'll probably put it into the Alphax.txt, but not enable it unless you want it.

              I'll start work on the Alphax.txt file tonight, as well as the map. FYI.



              • #22
                Oh yeah, we're gonna need a name for this game. Let me know if someone has a good idea on this for when I post the Turn Tracking Thread. Currently my best is "Last Sentient Standing", which will hopefully be embodied in the game, but doesn't necessarily need to be the game's name.


                Nerve Gas: Secrets of Alpha Centauri
                Sky Hydroponics Labs: Doc:Air
                Orbital Power Transmitters: MMI
                ODP's: Advanced Spaceflight
                Flechette Defense: Doc:Air
                GeoSynchronous Survey Pod: Doc:Air
                PlanetBusters: Superstring Theory
                Conventional Payload: Superstring Theory
                Submarines: Doc:Init
                A/C Carriers: Doc:Air

                One Note: although theoretically possible, why in Reality Submarine Aircraft Carriers are not really feasible. Therefore I propose that all players agree not to build Sub Aircraft Carriers. Does anyone view this thought differently?



                • #23
                  Or maybe limit them to carrying just missiles (although I guess in RL it would be feasible to get a chopper on a sub - just not launch it while submerged)

                  But missile carrying subs - just like real life (or does the game currently let you put a missile on a sub? - I've never built one in a game yet so wouldn't know)

                  And at Darsnan's request, I'll change from the Gaians (his request) to the PeaceKeepers (my choice)



                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Googlie
                    Or maybe limit them to carrying just missiles (although I guess in RL it would be feasible to get a chopper on a sub - just not launch it while submerged)

                    But missile carrying subs - just like real life (or does the game currently let you put a missile on a sub? - I've never built one in a game yet so wouldn't know)
                    Limiting subs to carrying missiles sounds like a great idea!

                    And at Darsnan's request, I'll change from the Gaians (his request) to the PeaceKeepers (my choice)
                    Darsnan does his best Montgomery Burns impersonation, "E-x-c-e-l-l-e-n-t.....".

                    Also, Empath Guild will be disabled in this game, unless someone has a really good reason for enabling it.

                    I will probably start work on the map tonight. FYI.



                    • #25
                      I've never played SMAC with modified rules.txt before,but I assume only CMN have to make changes in it,correct?

                      Basically, I like this whole concept and looking forward to start playing.

                      One more I need to patch my game before start. I used to have it patched,but got a new machine and for some strange reason my game always crushed after I installed patch 4.0

                      Which patch is required and where can I d/l it?


                      My life, my rules


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by SmartFart
                        I've never played SMAC with modified rules.txt before,but I assume only CMN have to make changes in it,correct?
                        You are correct in that only the Chairman can make these modifications to the game.

                        As far as where the patches can be found - look at Firaxis' homepage. FYI.



                        • #27
                          Limiting subs to carrying missiles sounds great. Hope I can get to implement concept
                          On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


                          • #28
                            IIRC, s sub aircraft carrier is rather a waste of an ability. The sub, I think, will be invisible as usual (gotta be adjacent, deep radar, etc. to see it) but the aircraft are not. I may be wrong about that...been a long time since I saw anybody attempt a sub - carrier.


                            • #29
                              Bad news....

                              Heah Guys,

                              it is unfortunately becoming very apparent to me that the only part of the Alphax.txt file that is passed along with a save is the part governing units. What this means is that I cannot simply edit in all of the effects that I want for this game (such as satelites being available sooner, and moving out Nerve Gas to "Secrets of Alpha Centauri"), and have them available for all of you. After bouncing a couple of test files off of Googlie today to verify my concerns, I thought perhaps I could use the "Edit Base" function in the Scenario editor to prototype the satelites, but I found that the satelites don't show up as a Facility, and nor are they considered a unit by the game, which was very disappointing to me as therefore none of my usual workarounds are going to work on satelites (i.e. I can't trick the game into introducing satelites into the game sooner if I can't even find a handle to mod them with!?!). Anyways, its been a very frustrating and disappointing day for me regarding this....
                              The only other consideration I can offer is that I E-Mail each of you the Alphax.txt file I have generated for this game, and then once you reach Doc:AP, you would have to substitute my modified Alphax.txt file in for your regular file, then after your turn is over, swap the two files again, which would be a real PIA, especially if you are not that computer literate. However, this modified file would then allow you to build the satelites with the discovery of the previously discussed techs. Otherwise, I can't think of anything that can be done other than playing the game with the satelites being available with their original tech.
                              Regardless, because I can design a sub into the game and make it available with Doc:Init (and a Carrier available with Doc:AP), why these aspects are still intact, and as far as the Nerve Gas is concerned, why everyone can simply agree not to use this till the pre-specified tech is discovered. Up to you guys, and again, sorry that I cannot induce the effects that previously I thought that I could do for you.



                              • #30
                                i got no problems
                                i'm excited about this game,
                                I'm gonna break some faces
                                Agent Subversion out

