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Looking for people to play SMAC with...

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  • Looking for people to play SMAC with...

    hello everybody

    I am looking for some people to play Alpha Centauri with either via email or some other way. I really want to find some good players to play with and I hope that YOU will join my quest for world domination!

  • #2
    I'd be happy to join you in a PBEM game. I can't say how good I since I'm very new to MP gaming. I can usually beat the AI handily on Transendent Level. I'll play The Gaians if I might.
    Net Warrior


    • #3

      Cool! Yeah, if we play the difficulty setting has to be on the hardest (Transcend) because anything else is just too easy.

      So *claps hands* I have one person who wants to play, anybody else?


      • #4
        I'll play

        I kinda new to MP, but I'd really like someone to play against. I can beat the game easily on Transcend, although I can only hope that I can adapt the strategies I use against the AI against people. In any case, I like to use the Consciousness, Pirates, or Morgans. I hope there aren't going to be an Alien players... I don't understand how human players can compete against them. I won't deny anyone the Gaians, although they are fun.
        It's really Synthetic God... I guess I didn't notice my own typo.


        • #5
          i would like to email me or icq me at
          or icq at 46344977


          • #6
            SynthetGod8, this is a SMAC game, not SMAX. I, for one, don't have SMAX. I'd love to find a cheap copy somewhere though. I've seen it on EBAY for $100 (ouch). That's too rich for my blood.
            Last edited by Net Warrior; October 11, 2003, 22:52.


            • #7
              SMAC is fine...

              really? $100? I have three copies. There was a stand selling games no one would want (he had like 50 of each game), one was SMACX. Odd, eh? $10. Yeah, I had two copies before I found this real copy, but what can I say? I'm a collector. Gotta have the manual, the poster, and the box before I'd be satisifed. I also have two copies of SMAC. Sad, really.
              If you want one of the copies of SMACX, just pay the shipping and I'd be happy to send it to you. No manual or nothing though, just the CD... It really is a great expansion.
              It's really Synthetic God... I guess I didn't notice my own typo.


              • #8
                SMAX is a REALLY REALLY good expansion pack! But because some people do not have it we'll play SMAC. Its only fair, right?

                Anyway, heres how it works. I need everybody's email address before any of you try to email me. I need them because I have a blocking system on my hotmail account that blocks and automatically deletes addresses foreign to me.

                So just a warning to all of you that I need your addresses before you attempt an email!

                My address is

                so, whats yours?


                • #9
                  So, the games afoot. My address is

                  Net Warrior


                  • #10
                    Alrighty then. my email is
                    It's really Synthetic God... I guess I didn't notice my own typo.


                    • #11
                      four human players (including me)?

                      So I have Net Warrior, Synthet God, and Rothe.

                      If you do want to play then please email me a verification so I don't just start the game and have nobody play with me! LOL! that would be lame...


                      • #12
                        never played by email before...

                        I have never played SMAC via email before and I have just one question. How do you set up a multiplayer email game? I go to hotseat/email, choose my character, it then asks me to add more human players, I say no because I do not want hotseat, it opens up the game and shows a small screen where I can put in a password, I cancel it and then go into the game, I then do my turn and end the turn. If any of you have done this before I would appreciate it if you guided me through how to make a Play By Email game...

                        Thank you


                        • #13
                          what happened?

                          umm, what happened to the game? I thought we were all gonna play...


                          • #14
                            oops. I meant to email you... in fact, I expected you to email us and tell us how to play...
                            And no, I've never done a play by email game, so I don't know how to start it. I think that what we do is we have the password on the game (you start it). You set up the human players and factions. then you do your turn. then you email the next person in line with the password and the saved game. Then that person goes and repeats the chain. This is only a guess.
                            Ask around, game-master.
                            It's really Synthetic God... I guess I didn't notice my own typo.


                            • #15
                              I've never started up a PBEM game either. Maybe we should try to find a CMN to set the game up for us. We should decide on map size, victory conditions, etc., first I suppose. Then we could start a new thread titled " SMAC PBEM guide needed", or something.

