I tried to find some common multiplayer rules, but I couldn't find them. What is generally allowed/disallowed in most games? Is there a list and if not, could someone make one or atleast help me make one?
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Common Multiplayer rules
heres a pretty typical set ( the game settings vary but the rules are pretty typical)-. The only issues that vary much relate to the stockpile energy issue and instant upgrades . I have games that go both ways on each of these issues
Map settings:
Large, Random map
Erosion, Native Life, Clouds and Oceans = average
Difficulty: Transcend
Game settings:
All Victory Conditions
Look First: On
Tech Stag: Off
Spoils of War: Off
Intense Rivalry: Off
Directed Research (pick your own techs)
No Unity Survey (map not visible)
Pods are scattered
No Random Events
Time Warp: Off
Iron Man: On/Off(Your choice)
• Communications - None until in-game contact, obtain commlink, or build EG (*Note* Physical in-game contact means you have to have a unit adjacent/next to your opponent's unit or base)
\• SE switch "quickies" forbidden - (obviously you can experiment to see what effect various SE choices have, but cannot change, play moves, then change back in the same turn)
• Stockpile Energy in your build queues is OK!!!
• Crawlers and units upgrade anytime - OK!!!
• Probe actions: Must choose vendetta option ( if it appears- ie your probe was caught))when probing your opponent if you are not at vendetta, unless you have previously gained permission to probe by e-mail.
• You cannot bribe the AI on council votes nor to demand withdrawal of units (Note: This means you can't bribe your human opponent on council votes or use the right click feature to demand withdrawl, because the AI makes the decision for them. It's okay to bribe or demand withdrawl of the AI controlled factions. However, you could still bribe or demand withdrawl of your human opponent, via email or in the trade screen, where the human player would get the chance to make the decision themselves.
*You cannot accept a bribe made by the AI on behalf of your opponent in council votes.
• Cannot use the right click feature for multiple drop moves to extend range (ie limited to 8 tiles unless owning the Space Elevator SP)
• Cannot use the 'set waypoint' feature for automatic worm hunting/lifecycle enhancements
• No accepting pending treaties/pacts *after* declaring vendetta in the same turn )
• Cannot use the F4 feature (or the bases feature of the F4 screen) to change an infiltrated faction's workers to specialists.
* You cannot trade bases with the AI. It is okay to gift a base to the AI.
* Reverse engineering okay, except with the rover chassis from planetary networks (probe).
*If you cause a save/load warning, you must inform your opponent of the reason in an email.You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo