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Buying Alien Crossfire possible?

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  • Buying Alien Crossfire possible?

    Ok i have searched high and low from junkyard sales to ebay and im not able to find the expansion pack to Alpha Centauri does anybody now a shop where they still have this game in stock?


  • #2
    as said try Underdogs on web many out of print games for download including SMAX


    • #3
      Ok i see it on that site never understood why Firaxis discontinued this great expansion pack. Anyway im still searching i want this game boxed in my collection and im not giving up so if anybody has any other ideas please tell.



      • #4
        look at
        I got my copy from them (one year ago though), maybe they still have it.

        Good luck


        • #5
          Well, using the Search function, I found 11 results for Alien, but none that include Crossfire Haven't had any luck in any shop in the Netherlands, not even DimensionPlus, probably the biggest and best known videogame shop.

          I've noticed the at The Underdogs is a CD-rip, which probably lacks movies and more stuff, since it's only 135MB and the retail version is about 460MB. I have made a deal with someone to trade ISOs (perfect images from the retail version) though, and he has Alien Crossfire

          Might be considered piracy, but that's what you get when you stop publishing the expansion to one of the greatest games ever.

          Usually I avoid piracy, for obvious reasons, but this is a rare exception. I'll miss the manual though. Sure, you can print out a PDF or DOC, but it's just not the same :|.


          • #6
            try ebay, I got my english version there


            • #7
              Try ebay in german (
              I will never understand why some people on Apolyton find you so clever. You're predictable, mundane, and a google-whore and the most observant of us all know this. Your battles of "wits" rely on obscurity and whenever you fail to find something sufficiently obscure, like this, you just act like a 5 year old. Congratulations, molly.

              Asher on molly bloom


              • #8
                Guys i already told you i have tried ebay there are a few of them on it but none of them will ship internationally wich means it isnt interesting to start biding



                • #9
                  The underdogs copy does lack the movies, which was fine by me because it took me nearly twenty hours to download as it was, and most of the movies are already in my SMAC directory, where it is just a matter of a batch copy/paste to move it to the new directory.

                  BTW, anyone know where I can download the new movies?

                  No, I did not steal that from somebody on Something Awful.


                  • #10
                    ...oh, and keep trying ebay, you never know when someone in your neck of the woods is going to unload a copy...
                    No, I did not steal that from somebody on Something Awful.


                    • #11
                      Yeah, try ebay for the "Planetary Pack" as well. I lost my SMAX copy for a while and then ordered a copy of PP insteaad - that comes with both SMAC and SMAX.

                      Also, don't overlook Yahoo auctions. They have some nice stuff going too.
                      "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


                      • #12
                        Frags, did you find a copy yet? If not, I know the stores around me have lots and maybe we could work something out.


                        • #13
                          Sounds great

                          msn =
                          icq = 91040637
                          email =

                          would like to now the price of the game though but i think we can discuss that and im online most of the time so no prob in that either


