There must be a ton of ways in this game that can give you an unfair advantage- most famously I would suppose are the supply crawlers.
Another I just used inadvertently in my current game as the Caretakers was giving a city that I was about to lose to my alien brethren to my Gaian allies- when the Usurpers took the city, it got reduced back to size one and my allies gained a few (possibly doomed) colony pods. Even though, of course, the composition of the city would be mostly alien...
So what sneaky tricks are known, and which do you use?
Another I just used inadvertently in my current game as the Caretakers was giving a city that I was about to lose to my alien brethren to my Gaian allies- when the Usurpers took the city, it got reduced back to size one and my allies gained a few (possibly doomed) colony pods. Even though, of course, the composition of the city would be mostly alien...
So what sneaky tricks are known, and which do you use?