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IP diplomacy hack?

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  • #16

    I wonder why you haven't gassed him into oblivion. No D:AP, he is ripe. Strike with gas choppers even before fusion. Suicide them if you have to but roll back his sprawl.
    "Just puttin on the foil" - Jeff Hanson

    “In a democracy, I realize you don’t need to talk to the top leader to know how the country feels. When I go to a dictatorship, I only have to talk to one person and that’s the dictator, because he speaks for all the people.” - Jimmy Carter


    • #17
      Chop and drop was my long term plan before the game ended. I was making about double the energy and more than 1.5 times the labs in FM as comapred to green, so I was delaying the switch as long as possible. I already had 4 probe foils outside of his bases to subvert or sabotage troublesome bases, a sea colony pod as a stopping point and repair point for my airforce, and several foils to transport ground troops.

      My main worry was psi combat, he had the Neural amp, so I probably would have built some empath laser needlejets as support for my gas choppers.

      His lack of roads would have made drop troops really ideal, I would have had a huge advantage over him once I started taking his land.

      My biggest fear would be that he creates a stalemate with native life. He had several bases with biology labs, the xenoempathy dome, and the aforementioned Neural amp. He should be able to create worms at "boil" morale, I can't remember offhand if children's creches boost worm morale but if they do, I could face some casualties in killing his worms.

      Ultimatly though I don't see worms as a big threat, because of their massive cost. 50 minerals at this stage in the game, he is quite some distance from brood pits. He could have turned the worms into a threat if he had focused on boosting the production at his bases with native life morale boosters - but he didn't. And his lack of roads would make putting his significant production into effect very difficult.

      But there is no chance of this game continuing, so it will never be settled.


      • #18
        I don't know about this guy..

        I've played him 3-4 times lately in IP games.

        First time we played (Him as Spartans bent on rover-rushing the world) he accused me of moving out of order.

        We were at treaty, game was in sim moves and he was landing his diciplined 412 rovers on my island next to my HQ. Clearly he was going to attack, but vendetta was not pronounced, so I figured better put the formers that were in range into the threatened base to buy me some time to send in reenforcing defenders.

        Fair enough, he would have wiped me off the map in less than 10 turns considering I was playing the drones and had not yet reached Ind.Auto, Ethical Calc, or Nonlin.Math. He proceeded to take my HQ, then dropping yelling abuse all over the place.

        2nd game we played, He was doing Morgan with the ICS/no roads style that Hendrik is describing. Me again as the drones with my typical 121 defender and 612 pre-emptive guard in every base. This time we were at pact.

        He was ahead on tech.. had reached MMI, building choppers and drop units. I was at the point of having all basic infrastructure in all bases save a few research hospitals here and there. Prototyping my first PB, and had got an Interceptor in place to make sure he would not be able to drop into the one base that was within the 8 square drop radius of his nearest base.

        This time he dropped his 2 drop units onto a small unclaimed island between our continents, then dropping from there (no airbase ) to a base out of range from any of his bases.

        Again.. He would have wiped me out, but the premise on which he started the attack is IMO cheating.

        Third game.. We start within 10 squares of each other..
        Again Him as Morgan with ICS/no roads and me as Drones. This time there's a choke point ... we sign a treaty, I place an ogre in rocky/fungus at the choke point stopping his expansion in my direction.
        He realizes this only when his colony pod is unable to move due to my ogre's ZOC ....

        The guy goes mental. Threats of war... Abuse... You name it.. Anything to make me let his pod through. I figure.. OK, the ogre's on my land, I can leave it there and still be within terms of any treaty . And taking out an ogre in rocky/fungus'll take a lot more than the 2 112 rovers that he had at the time. And by the time he would have gotten any better attack units out, I would already have a base established on the choke-point.

        Anyway.. He drops... again... :roll eyes:

        The way I see it... This guy is like the kid at the playground that'll go home and take his ball with him if he doesn't have it his way. I played RichardTator on may occasions in the old days when AlphaHQ was still up, this is not him. At least Tator had a sense of humor and a vocabulary that stretched beyond 'you suck' whenever somebody didn't want to play the game his way.
        Have spacesuit, will travel!


        • #19
          Yeah, Tator was a funny guy.

          I'm thinking you guys just shouldn't bother with this Czech guy. He still doesn't sound that good IMO, and it seems he might just quit and never talk to you again if you beat him.

          Well, I'm off to see Equilibrium. It looks like a cheezy hysterical Matrix/Starship Troopers ripoff that Ebert and Roeper gave two thumbs up. What could be better?
          "Luck's last match struck in the pouring down wind." - Chris Cornell, "Mindriot"

