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Newbie question

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  • Newbie question

    Ok... so I just installed SMAC (don't have the expansion pack) on my PC again... I seem to recall now that I never really played it much when I first got it... so I'm totally new.

    Relative to Civ3, it seems like the starting locations are AWFULLY close to each other... I ran into three other factions in my first five or six turns...

    It just doesn't seem like I have a lot of room to expand. Is this normal?

    Also, is there a basic strategy guide online someplace? I'd really like to intelligently test-drive the game some more before I take the plunge and buy the strategy guide and the expansion.

    Much appreciated...
    Infograme: n: a message received and understood that produces certain anger, wrath, and scorn in its recipient. (Don't believe me? Look up 'info' and 'grame' at

  • #2
    3 factions in 5 turns? you're joking. that is not normal, unless you're on a VERY small map.

    as for a guide, i think The Vel Guide V3.0 is still around somewhere...


    • #3
      Originally posted by TKG
      3 factions in 5 turns? you're joking. that is not normal, unless you're on a VERY small map.
      Right, and even on small maps its not normal...Sometimes I've gone entire games on small maps without encountering a single faction. Abliet thats not normal either.....3 factions DEFINATELY isn't. I might be able to believe one but 3? No....Try playing on a bigger map.
      Eventis is the only refuge of the spammer. Join us now.
      Long live teh paranoia smiley!


      • #4
        I'm playing on a normal size map. I'll include the savegame if you guys wanna see.

        As I recall - I have the Peacekeepers and the Spartans each within about ten squares of my home base. I think I've got the Green dudes nearby, too.
        Attached Files
        Infograme: n: a message received and understood that produces certain anger, wrath, and scorn in its recipient. (Don't believe me? Look up 'info' and 'grame' at


        • #5
          That's pretty ridiculous I've been on the same island as two other factions before now, but it doesn't happen often, and I've certainly never seen 3 other factions within 5 turns. One, yes, but never three!
          "Love the earth and sun and animals, despise riches, give alms to every one that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants, argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence toward the people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown . . . reexamine all you have been told at school or church or in any book, dismiss whatever insults your own soul, and your very flesh shall be a great poem and have the richest fluency" - Walt Whitman


          • #6
            Well, this is quite wierd, especially when you turn the map on with the scenario editor...

            Spoilers ahead

            --> The Hive and The University first base two tiles away of each other, Morgan south of you, you land right in the middle of everyone... Show them who this New Eden belongs to !
            "Just because you're paranoid doesnt mean there's not someone following me..."
            "I shall return and I shall be billions"


            • #7
              OK... so, based on the fact that I'm a total noob... do I have any chance of success in this game, or should I start over and hope for gentler starting placement?
              Infograme: n: a message received and understood that produces certain anger, wrath, and scorn in its recipient. (Don't believe me? Look up 'info' and 'grame' at


              • #8
                you can always win against the AI but if you want to enjoy some of ther builder aspects of the game, perhaps a restart would be in order-- Being close to so many factions would definitely stretch your diplomatic abilities and earlier tech trades should allow you to get moving quickly

                Generally I find that the random map generator in the game is very hit and miss-- I have had games on large maps where 3 factions are crowded on a small continent while a larger one is unnoccupied-- the game seems inconsistent on this point-- but my rule of thumb is to always play out the game
                You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


                • #9
                  Plenty of Neighbours hinders peaceful expansion but leads to much easier Techstealing :P
                  Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!


                  • #10
                    I noticed that I was able to do a lot of tech trading right off... which led to an initial rush of advancement. I haven't played beyond the save I posted, and haven't decided if I'm going to continue that game or not. I'm thinking of printing off the strat guides and going from there.
                    Infograme: n: a message received and understood that produces certain anger, wrath, and scorn in its recipient. (Don't believe me? Look up 'info' and 'grame' at


                    • #11
                      Beware for the "rush of expansion" of your friends
                      I will never understand why some people on Apolyton find you so clever. You're predictable, mundane, and a google-whore and the most observant of us all know this. Your battles of "wits" rely on obscurity and whenever you fail to find something sufficiently obscure, like this, you just act like a 5 year old. Congratulations, molly.

                      Asher on molly bloom

