Nothing earth-shattering, just interesting little tidbits in PC Magazine, October 15, 2002. Two items in Pipeline. In the print edition on pages 25 and 26. Online at PC Magazine Pipeline.
Neural Grafting and Mind-Machine Interface
Nanometallurgy and Matter Editation
Neural Grafting and Mind-Machine Interface
Bits & Bytes (v21n18).
Simon Says...
With a $26 million contract from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Duke University is researching neurorobots — computing interfaces driven by the human brain...
Simon Says...
With a $26 million contract from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Duke University is researching neurorobots — computing interfaces driven by the human brain...
Nanotech Hazards?
When it comes to technologies of the future, nanotechnology — the manipulation of matter at the atomic and subatomic levels — is widely hailed as the Holy Grail...
When it comes to technologies of the future, nanotechnology — the manipulation of matter at the atomic and subatomic levels — is widely hailed as the Holy Grail...