Okay, the scenario: Me, playing on Thinker (I'm not a Transcend stud just yet) as the U.N. The hated University has nearly finished the Command Nexxus in a nearby port city(I'm already Governor, so I can see his city production). After seeing the warning, I quicky divert some nearby foil probes to sabotage the project. First probe: Kills the Network Node. Second probe: Demolishes recycling tanks. Last probe: Yahtzee! Command Nexxus production stopped.
Smugly congratulating myself for resourcefulness and initiative, I proceed to the next turn, where the Command Nexxus appears, completed, out of nowhere, in a completely different city. Feeling suspicious, i returned to a pervious save, and discovered that the turn before, this offending city was producing an Impact Rover. What gives?
Smugly congratulating myself for resourcefulness and initiative, I proceed to the next turn, where the Command Nexxus appears, completed, out of nowhere, in a completely different city. Feeling suspicious, i returned to a pervious save, and discovered that the turn before, this offending city was producing an Impact Rover. What gives?