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Favorite Units

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  • Favorite Units

    I gave up using the auto-design feature a while ago because the workshop would always give me seventeen different variations on the Chaos Squad. For assault I like speed and power that punches holes in enemy lines (Moshe Dayan was a genius ) so I go for rovers early and hovertanks later. Defensively I prefer to sit back and let the tide of attacks break on my perimeter defenses, so I stack infantry units with armor, trance, and sometimes AAA.

    At any given time I'll only have about five or six units in my workshop: garrison, assault, a needlejet design or two, helicopters, and sometimes destroyers.

    What units do you like?
    Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.

  • #2
    I have a unit that I call the Fungul DeTowerator, the sole purpose of which is to pummel the native life forms that hang around my bases.

    For this, you'll need an air unit - it's okay if it's a needlejet and not a chopper, because the native units can rarely attack air units.

    Put a nice strong reactor on it, and equip it with hand weapons. No armor is needed. Then give it both high morale and empath song, to jack up its psi combat as much as you can.

    Voila - a nice cheap unit for smashing those pesky fungal towers, at a fraction of the cost of a real militarily viable unit!
    "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


    • #3
      Trained Chaos Rovers. Usually by the time I first go to war, these are the bulk of my forces. The enemy usually has only Plasmasteel units at defence, so taking over bases is simple. Interceptors of any kind come a close second.
      Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


      • #4
        Originally posted by Alinestra Covelia
        I have a unit that I call the Fungul DeTowerator, the sole purpose of which is to pummel the native life forms that hang around my bases.

        For this, you'll need an air unit - it's okay if it's a needlejet and not a chopper, because the native units can rarely attack air units.

        Put a nice strong reactor on it, and equip it with hand weapons. No armor is needed. Then give it both high morale and empath song, to jack up its psi combat as much as you can.

        Voila - a nice cheap unit for smashing those pesky fungal towers, at a fraction of the cost of a real militarily viable unit!
        when i make anti-native units, i like to put R-laser on them. sure its a bit more expensive, but not much at fusion or better.

        my favourite unit would have to be either a WAVE PSI chopper, (especially with a high planet rating or dream twister) or a nice elite shard tank.

        of course i wouldn't pass up a Blink WAVE string deathsphere or two...


        • #5
          -- (Heavily) armored drop formers with cloaking devices. Great for wreaking all sorts of havoc behind enemy lines.

          -- Tectonic missiles. Against Pirate bases.

          -- Fungal missiles. Against the Believers and Morganites.
          oh god how did this get here I am not good with livejournal


          • #6
            Originally posted by Vlad Antlerkov
            -- Fungal missiles. Against the Believers and Morganites.
            and Drones!


            • #7
              The Peace Frog: Heavily armored (often with Trance ability) former - good in a pinch on defense (either defensive terraforming if a base is under attack), or on the offense (travelling with troops to make a land bridge, or do other sorts of nastiness in general).

              The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


              • #8
                Oh yes, the humble former. Where would we be without it.
                I use formers offensively a lot, like raising land bridges and laying magtubes up to enemy cities.
                As far as favourite military units go (based mostly on effeciency)
                Elite Infantry 8-1-1 or 13-1-1*2
                "Freedom Fighter" 4-1-10, sutible for all forms of harrassment like plinking formers, bombing sensors, ZoC blocking, and costs just 2 rows. Mmmmmm.
                And lets not forget the 1-1-1, Police, Clean which keeps captured cities under control, and the 1-1-1, trained, drop which can be dropped then upgraded in the same turn to minimise drop damage (if upgrading to something with a better reactor).
                So all my favourite units cost either 2 or 3 rows


                • #9
                  Foil Probe Teams.
                  "Just puttin on the foil" - Jeff Hanson

                  “In a democracy, I realize you don’t need to talk to the top leader to know how the country feels. When I go to a dictatorship, I only have to talk to one person and that’s the dictator, because he speaks for all the people.” - Jimmy Carter


                  • #10
                    Foil Probe teams are great fun.

                    Sea Formers with really good armour plating are enormously entertaining. If you have a lot of cash and an enemy to drown they can't be beat.


                    • #11
                      Another one for Foil Probe Teams here. Very useful for subverting those sea bases that pop up everywhere - especially Sven's. Gah...
                      "Love the earth and sun and animals, despise riches, give alms to every one that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants, argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence toward the people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown . . . reexamine all you have been told at school or church or in any book, dismiss whatever insults your own soul, and your very flesh shall be a great poem and have the richest fluency" - Walt Whitman


                      • #12
                        I guess I'll vote for probe teams, as these guys often can defend my empire throughout the 1st century almost singlehandedly. The only thing that I need regular military units for is the native life.
                        He's got the Midas touch.
                        But he touched it too much!
                        Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!


                        • #13
                          1. Cloaked String Drop Shock Troops.
                          2. Drop Probe Teams
                          3. Gravship Formers
                          4. AAA Stassis String Battleship
                          5. X Death Sphere with Empath Song [ULTIMATE WORM KILLER]

                          Note: Order does not show preferance


                          • #14
                            I like the IOD as being the only unit to combine transport and offensive combat capabilities.
                            Gaius Mucius Scaevola Sinistra
                            Japher: "crap, did I just post in this thread?"
                            "Bloody hell, Lefty.....number one in my list of persons I have no intention of annoying, ever." Bugs ****ing Bunny
                            From a 6th grader who readily adpated to internet culture: "Pay attention now, because your opinions suck"


                            • #15
                              Well The IOD [isle of deep for our less SMAC lingo literit friends] is good for that role, however I'd rather take the time to build an AAA string battleship and transport.

