Originally posted by Spacecow
I just can't play a mean game. I even tried to be completely evil once. I started as Yang, figuring I'd gather up enough tech to gain proper infamy all at once, and then I'd just go around using PS/Planned/Power with small hordes of nerve gassable rovers and just one day up and obliterate whatever factions were handy, regardless of diplomatic status with them. If possible, I'd nerve staple whenever possible (even just for the heck of it) if I hadn't installed the required punishment sphere in that city yet. I think I ended up doing the completely opposite thing and got diplomatic victory in the end. Silly me... One day I'll play an evil game... really...
I just can't play a mean game. I even tried to be completely evil once. I started as Yang, figuring I'd gather up enough tech to gain proper infamy all at once, and then I'd just go around using PS/Planned/Power with small hordes of nerve gassable rovers and just one day up and obliterate whatever factions were handy, regardless of diplomatic status with them. If possible, I'd nerve staple whenever possible (even just for the heck of it) if I hadn't installed the required punishment sphere in that city yet. I think I ended up doing the completely opposite thing and got diplomatic victory in the end. Silly me... One day I'll play an evil game... really...