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SMAC and Win.2000 conflict

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  • SMAC and Win.2000 conflict

    I tried to install Alpha Centauri on Windows 2000 pro. but it said the cd can't be accessed. The game does work on win. 98 & win. xp but those aren't mine so any help is greatly appreciated. By the way I'm running version 1.0

    Last edited by Jeremy Buloch; July 6, 2002, 00:03.
    Naval Imperia Designer

  • #2
    Try installing the no-cd crack - that way it'll run without looking for the cd. (I run it on my laptop, with 2000ME, so I assume it's compatible with 2000 PRO)

    Get it at:



    PS: Oh, it is version 4.0, though, so you might need to download the rest of the patch files before installing the terran.exe no-cd program



    • #3
      Thanks I'll try it as soon as I get a chance.
      God bless you!
      Naval Imperia Designer


      • #4
        Thanks for the tip but it dosen't work. When the autoplay comes up it says access to the specified device is denied. Anymore help is appreciated. I even downloaded the patch.

        Naval Imperia Designer


        • #5
          Go here for an update from microsoft:


          • #6
            I already tried it and the problem still remains. When is Firaxis going to release a patch for this problem?
            Naval Imperia Designer


            • #7
              Originally posted by Jeremy Buloch
              Thanks for the tip but it dosen't work. When the autoplay comes up it says access to the specified device is denied. Anymore help is appreciated. I even downloaded the patch.

              What do you mean when the autoplay comes up? Autoplay is for CDs.....
              Eventis is the only refuge of the spammer. Join us now.
              Long live teh paranoia smiley!


              • #8
                My Alpha Centauri game came on a cd so when I put the cd in the drive Autoplay comes up and displays that message.
                Naval Imperia Designer


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Jeremy Buloch
                  My Alpha Centauri game came on a cd so when I put the cd in the drive Autoplay comes up and displays that message.
                  Well, if you downloaded and installed the No-CD patch, then you dont need the CD anymore. Put it in a safe place, go to your Alpha Centauri directory, and if you installed the No-CD patch then just double click TERRAN.EXE (make sure all your other programs are closed) and Alpha Centauri should come up.

                  Have fun
                  Eventis is the only refuge of the spammer. Join us now.
                  Long live teh paranoia smiley!


                  • #10
                    Thanks I'll try it!
                    Naval Imperia Designer


                    • #11
                      I don't know if both of you have the same problem(s) and hopefully we can decide which thread to carry out the discussion in, but there are still a lot of items in play.

                      I suppose you've tried just running the Setup.exe from the CD, but I thought I should mention it in case you didn't think of it. (I'm not going to ask you if you put the CD in upside down.)

                      In addition to the compatibility update, there are also service packs for win2k (I think #2 is the current/latest one) also downloadable from microsoft (but they are a lot bigger though - over 100MB) and the DirectX 8.1 version (7 or 8MB).

                      I don't think I tried running it without the compatibility update, but I have run the games OK without the SP's or the DirectX upgrades (your experiences may vary and apparently did).

                      3 main drivers to think about are sound, video and DirectX; I suppose that a CD driver could theoretically cause trouble too, but most times it seems that the CD is a red herring for something else.

                      Personally, I've had trouble with sound drivers (with motherboard-based sound) causing intermittent failure to start the game - that can be fixed (in a sort of unsatisfactory way) by disabling the sound on the computer (or possibly by just disabling or varying the sound in the game with the ini file and/or the preferences). Along those same lines, the opening movie can be disabled in the ini file also, which might let you get the game started if one of the sound or video drivers were giving you trouble.

                      Notwithstanding my suggestion on keeping to one thread, you might also try Buster's Helpline thread on CGN - you'll probably have to register to focus Buster on your particular problem (if you haven't already), but that's no biggie and Buster seems to have a good grip on all this stuff, so he might be able to zero in on what's causing your problem. Just reading that thread might also give you some ideas.


                      • #12
                        Do you have to have SMAC installed to do this? Because I tried it and the screen flickered and returned to the desktop.
                        Naval Imperia Designer


                        • #13
                          My computer has just got everything up to date and I just found out that Firaxis has a beta patch for this problem. Hopefully it'll work. and yes I tried the setup.exe on the cd. I also used apcompat in the support folder on Win2k. cd.
                          Naval Imperia Designer


                          • #14
                            By the way thanks for the thread I'll read it tommorow because I have things to do.
                            Naval Imperia Designer

