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Two Questions re Probes

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  • Two Questions re Probes

    1) - Interrogate and return unharmed

    In a current MP game a routine sortie uncovered two probeships lurking in my coastal waters - I selected the option "interrogate and return them unmolested" when I moved sagainst them. They then appeared in the other player's HQ, which was landlocked

    Now I know that Firaxis in v 4.0 corrected the bug that sent units to the nearest base when a pact dissolved, where ships would be sent to a landlocked base if that were the closest. But I believe that probes get sent to the HQ.

    Any clarifications from players who've "been there, done that"?

    2) - Equipping Probes with SAM capability

    In the current CGN challenge I had a Hive chopper finish its turn just outside one of my bases. recognizing that ground troops can fire at choppers which are grounded, I sent a probe to it, and got the message "Only Probe Teams equipped with the Air Superiority ability can subvert air units"

    I then tried to give a probe team that ability, but couldn't.

    Anyone else get that message, try that and succeed? (I'm thinking that it might have been possible with an earlier version of smac)


  • #2
    1) Sorry, G, I have nothing definitive on this. I do know that occasionally returningprobes get placed more than that.

    Probe foils in a lanlocked base- lol. That's an expensive way to provide HQ security!

    AKAIK, probes have never been able to support either the amphibious or the air superiority ability, despite those in-game messages that tell you such an ability is needed to do the action you just attempted.

    The only way I know to subvert an air unit is to mind control the base where it is located.


    • #3
      Concerning Part One of the above: funny you should mention this now! I am currently in a private H2H game with Northswordsman where he caught one of my Probe Foils lurking around one of his bases. He interogated, then sent home my foil - right into my landlocked HQ!?! We had a few good laughs over that one as far as what to do with a landlocked Probe Foil! I ended up dissolving the unit, as it served no purpose in its permanent locale. FYI.



      • #4
        You could always wait until rising sea levels unlock the HQ.


        • #5
          In my latest game of SMAC/X I had Aki interrogate and return one of my probe foils, but it wasn't sent to my HQ, but rather the coastal base that originally bulit the probe. Perhaps in SMAX version 2.0 this auto-return probes to HQ issue was fixed. Or perhaps it just applies to sea probes.

          As for the second query, I haven't been able to doctor any of my probes with SAM in the first place. It doesn't make much sense anyway, a probe team attempting to conduct covert espionage inside a roaring needlejet.
          "I wake. I work. I sleep. I die. The dark of space my only sky. My life is passed, and all I've been will never touch the earth again." --The Ballad of Sky Farm 3, Anonymous, Datalinks


          • #6
            Originally posted by Mongoose
            You could always wait until rising sea levels unlock the HQ.
            It would take detonating quite a few PB's to bring the sea levels to the level needed to free this foil! I've sent you the specific game just to give you an idea of my situation.



            • #7
              Treaty Probes in my territory

              How does sending back probes work?
              I had a Treaty with the Hive, and they had four probes in my territory. I sent an infantry to kick them out, but the only option was to attack and break the Treaty.

              Is it because of sunspot activity? In which case, shouldn't anything I do with/to probes be concealed anyway?


              • #8
                Just build your own probe teams and destroy them - since probes have no 'official' existence their destruction can't affect your standing with that faction.
                "Love the earth and sun and animals, despise riches, give alms to every one that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants, argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence toward the people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown . . . reexamine all you have been told at school or church or in any book, dismiss whatever insults your own soul, and your very flesh shall be a great poem and have the richest fluency" - Walt Whitman


                • #9
                  I don't think you can capture and interrogate probe teams that are doubled up - i.e. more than one in a tile. Although i may be getting confused with civ2 (with diplomats in place of probe teams).


                  • #10
                    It would take detonating quite a few PB's to bring the sea levels to the level needed to free this foil! I've sent you the specific game just to give you an idea of my situation.
                    It may suprise you to learn that Sea Formers can be used for such earthworks

                    Stacked probes cant be evicted.. I've used it in IP games, or atleast I tried to use it. My friend just attacked and killed my probes instead.

                    Another interesting thing, in IP games you have no choice but to probe your allies bases should a probe wander into one when on "goto". I say wander, but they gravitate to the damn bases.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Blake

                      It may suprise you to learn that Sea Formers can be used for such earthworks
                      I've seen that game, Blake. It's really not a viable option. His HQ is 12 - 15 tiles from the sea. He would lose half his heartland and spend 100 times the worth of the probe foils were he to lower terrain to make that base a port


                      • #12
                        I've seen that game, Blake. It's really not a viable option. His HQ is 12 - 15 tiles from the sea. He would lose half his heartland and spend 100 times the worth of the probe foils were he to lower terrain to make that base a port
                        Only 12 - 15 tiles? pffft

                        Yeah, I know it wouldn't be viable for the couple of rows the probe is worth. Twas just the thought of using planetbusters for earth(re)moving.

                        Anyone else want a "Molest and return otherwise unharmed." option. Would sure discourage probe teams from entering your territory


                        • #13
                          About the probes with SAM... has anyone made flying probes?
                          I'm not a complete idiot: some parts are still missing.


                          • #14
                            I tried to make probe needlejets but it didn´t work. Haven´t tried on Choppers thoe but i dont think that works either.
                            A land where the trees looks like big soundsystems, the flowers seemed to become ravers and the air smells like happiness!!!


                            • #15
                              It's been my impression that both land and sea probes return to the nearest base (and sea probes to sea bases or ports) when finished with missions (although being somewhat unsure of this 'rule', I often rehome probes closer to the action before using them aggressively). OTOH, I have seen sea units which I have probed away from another faction assigned to a landlocked base for support (presumably because that base was nearest the unit). I would have guessed that deported probes behaved properly, but given the track record, I have no trouble believing that they don't.

                              Personally, I use the 'Gossamer' attribute on all my 'attack' probes to guarantee that they will not be detected and deported, hence my lack of direct experience with the problem.

