The other day I reopened a game in which I was playing as the University and had a huge contient with another huge continient just across the channel from mine. Said Contient was filled with Yang's bases. Seeing as I was trying to win by way of diplomacy I wanted no war with the hive. They would have probably won eventually I had no offensive millitary, only police units defending my bases and some crawlers/sea crawlers and formers/sea formers. I had an ingenious idea....The hive apparently had not reshearched D:Flex even though I had the diffculty on transcend as I always do these days.Seeing that they had not reshearched D:Flex I decided I dndt need a millitary to get rid of them and instead I began lowering their entire empire into the sea. It was exclent fun wacthing base after base after base sink.They however never asked for peace seeing as they had the best millitary on the planet for a time and I had virtually no millitary so I just quitely wacthed as their bases became submerged
