After getting bored with Civ3 and reading posts about how SMAC was better, I went out and bought a copy. It was only $10 Canadian (which I think is roughly a dime and some belly button lint US)
Anyhow, I am very happy I did and after 2 weeks of pretty solid playing i still haven't mastered terraforming nor the political system which in my opinion is just great!
But back to my point...I'm late to the party because apperantly Firaxis no longer has Alien Crossfire for sale!!!
As I said I like the game and it would be nice to see what the expansion is like. Does anyone know where I could go to get a copy? And am i really missing out not having the expansion?
Thanks in advance for any help...
Anyhow, I am very happy I did and after 2 weeks of pretty solid playing i still haven't mastered terraforming nor the political system which in my opinion is just great!
But back to my point...I'm late to the party because apperantly Firaxis no longer has Alien Crossfire for sale!!!
As I said I like the game and it would be nice to see what the expansion is like. Does anyone know where I could go to get a copy? And am i really missing out not having the expansion?
Thanks in advance for any help...