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  • #16
    So 4.0 doesn't allow this? How long does it take for SE choices to go into effect now?
    Humanity and it's environment are our future, not gods.


    • #17
      Perhaps what you would do in an unethical brief foray into Planned is to Upgrade stuff, either for normal purposes, or as part of the SE Quickie gambit; you would get the cheaper prices that way would't you?


      • #18
        Wasn't there a thread detailing many of the bugs and cheats most relevant to MP? I think a specific persons name may have been in the thread title, but I could be wrong about that. It was definitely not the BIG bug thread. If one of the vets knows what I'm talking about and could point me in the right direction, that would be great.
        Now that I think of it, it would very cool to have such a thread topped on the MP board - easy reference for old and new players. Instead of the forum wars thing which never gets posted in anyway, no offense.


        • #19
          How was this a bug in the first place? Now, when you buy something while in Planned it fills up X squares of production - when you switch back to non-Planned, new empty squares of production are added. The number of production squares changes depending on your Industry rating. Perhaps it helps hurrying production when you have fewer than 10 minerals? For example you've got 9 minerals - switch to Planned then Hurry then switch back - perhaps you avoid the extra cost for Hurrying things when there are less than 10 minerals?


          • #20
            The crawler quickie SE bug is fairly straightforward. The cost of a crawler in minerals is determined by the industry cost

            -2 industry 36
            0 industry 30
            2 industry 24
            4 industry 18 etc

            The bug is that if say you were at +2 from Planned wealth and complete a crawlere, itcost you 24 minerals. If you do the Se quickie you could switch momentarily to green/power paying 135 ec IIRC for the switch. you cash your crawler for 36 minerals and then switch back to planned wealth getting an immediate refund of the 135 credits. so at the end of the turn a 24 mineral crawler was miraculously transformed into a 36 mineral one AT NO COST, if the player stayed in the new settinf to get the benefit, it is considerd a legitimate tactic since therer is an ec cost and other consequences.


            I always thought that upgrade cost was based on the weapon, armour and special abilities ratings and was not directly linked to mineral cost. Later in the game, rovers with diferent weapons can have the same mineral cost but it still costs more to upgrade a 1-1-2 to the higher weapon strength. i will test your theory though since all I will need to do is check the cost for a "sample " of upgrades and then check again after an SEswitch. I will report back what I find.
            You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


            • #21
              let's address your several issue in order!

              you're right, it was in the excitement of the reply that I kept "to Planned" as per Yxlyx example.
              I was just expounding the concept of frivolously changing SE back and forth.
              It's true that the DOMINANT SE industry cheat was in exploiting a temporary worse industry rating, and in principle it's not working for just crawlers, but also if you disband any normal unit in to any normal item.

              This is a basic brick of the game design, it's not something it can be fixed, FurXs should redesign that whole part of the game (and if you think that they didn't want to export existing fix code from terranx.exe to terran.exe.... because they wouldn't have been able to charge you the cost of a new game for just a patch...)

              voot: nothing has changed in SE

              jdm (& Flubber): Upgrade prices are based on NEW unit's ROWS (plus W & A *increase*, all times 10ec), thus independent from your SE

              Flubber again: good description of the SE quickies CHEAT (it's not formally a bug, it's a perceived loophole in a questionable design choice, FurXs would surely deny it's a bug. They even claimed that the Stockpiling Energy BUG was an intended feature, rahter than adim that they screwed the implementation of the turn upkeep and didn't intend to sweat to fix it! It becomes a CHEAT when you exploit it)
              I would say tho that the concept is valid regarldess of the industry at the moment when you first built that crawler, eventually 100 turns ago.
              If you benefit of a worse TEMPORARY setting, then it's a CHEAT (i.e. also switching from Wealth to Power and end in Knowledge, if that makes a sense. You should choose to cash the crawler under either the initial or final setting, but not an intermediate temporary advantageous one)

              Yx: you almost got in the Bullseye the second time.
              Indeed there IS a benefit for a temporary *better* industry related to Hurrying costs, but not because of the 10 minerals limit!
              That limit actually is independent from your industry, that is it's NOT related to the first row length, but it always set a 10 minerals. This very often confuses also the most expert players!
              The Hurry cheat exploiting better industry is in that the Hurry cost per mineral, for UNITS, depends on the amount of minerals missing to completion.

              you're at 9min/row with Green
              You must complete a 5 rows unit: 5*9=45
              you have 10 accumulated: you miss 35!
              Imagine that base produces only 3 mins (!!!). You'd need to pay for 32. With 35 missing minerals they cost 3.74 each (131 to complete), you'd have to pay 120ec for 32 minerals.

              You switch to Planned, 8 min/row, the desired unit now costs 40 min. You miss now only 30.
              With 30 missing minerals they now cost only 3.5 each!
              You KNOW you'll revert to Green (if you don't revert to original you don't get the refund, and the trick is pointless), thus even if you could currently complete buying 27 mins, you OVERPAY for 32. They cost you 112ec, then you revert to Green, and you'll complete the unit just.
              You spared 8ec for the SAME 32 minerals, for no other net final cost.

              OK, it's a rather minor exploitment, but it's nevertheless a cheat.
              And you only changed Industry by one level. It's also true taht normally many players already are at their best industry SE, and they can more likely worsen it rather than bettering...

              to ALL:
              here's Helium Pond's Consensus on Cheating
              (PS: of course I strongly disagree with many of HP's opinions e.g. I'll NEVER agree that #12 is a cheat! Nevertheless, I think his intial approach is very mature and commendable (just that everyone can be aware of what needs to be discussed at the start of a game))

              Here's a link to Bingmann's SMAC CMN site
              Last edited by MariOne; January 25, 2002, 14:52.
              I don't exactly know what I mean by that, but I mean it (Holden Caulfield)


              • #22
                Originally posted by MariOne

                you're right, it was in the excitement of the reply that I kept "to Planned" as per Yxlyx example.
                I was just expounding the concept of frivolously changing SE back and forth

                Thats what I thought but I wanted to be sure. AS to the rest of your post, thank you for an accurate description of the various features. I was pretty sure that industry rating was irrelevant to upgrade costs and your description of it as a function of mineral rows plus changes in weapons/armour ratings confirms this.

                As to the SE quickies cheat, I referred to it as a bug as I think the game should attribute the minerals on a crawler cash or disband according to the SE settings at the end of the turn but it does not
                You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


                • #23
                  that's philosophy, a bug should be something that was not intended to come out of the code working that way, or even working contrary to what stated in manuals or in in-game messages/statements indeed.
                  I think that attributing minerals to production on the moment that you issue the cash 'O' command it's easier to implement, and that's the way FurXs wanted it to work, not dawning to their minds what the consequences would have been...

                  Really, there was sufficient consensus that converting minerals already accumulated in items under production in oder to keep constant the "item completion %" during an Industry rarting change, was the simplest single-change solution to the whole approach of this problem.
                  I don't exactly know what I mean by that, but I mean it (Holden Caulfield)


                  • #24
                    OH, sorry, I forgot that apolyton denizens are the ones who think the game it's better if you ban copters and crawlers and booming...
                    Hey, be nice to us poor Apolyton Denizens Mario.

                    Sometimes banning the factors that make for a power game can make the game more fun, and sometimes it just makes it boring. Depends on the people involved and the game involved. Just like I play Chess with a 1 queen in play limit, others play it with a rule that any pawn can become a queen, with no limit on queens on the board.

                    BTW, nice rationale on the mins produced vs cost reduction in regards to industry.
                    Fitz. (n.) Old English
                    1. Child born out of wedlock.
                    2. Bastard.


                    • #25
                      It seems that the proper way to handle the switching of SE settings is not all that simple. Both the maintain-the-min-quantity method and the maintain-the-percent-completion method are open to abuse. Perhaps some other quantitative valuation needs to be held constant so as to balance off the various elements. Maybe the performance of the build should reflect the manner in which it was built; maybe builds need to be acquired using all the different resources. Maybe, maybe, maybe . . . maybe it gets too complicated too easily.

                      Possibly some sort of compromise adjustment could be made to builds whenever you switch SE settings. For example, you would lose half of whatever ill gotten gains you accrued - so if the switch would have taken your build from 1/2 to 3/4 complete under the constant mineral method, your mineral count would be adjusted so it was 5/8 complete instead. The adjustments would take place right then and there too, when you make the switch, so reversed/repeated switches would be repeatedly/cumulatively penalized, killing that bird with the same stone.

